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Ubuntu Rescue Remix resulta muy útil para rescatar archivos de discos duros con problemas o defectuosos o reconstruir sistemas de archivos.

Ubuntu Rescue Remix es una recopilación de distintas utilidades para recuperación de datos montadas en un Live CD que permite el arranque del sistema.

Resulta muy útil para rescatar archivos de discos duros con problemas o defectuosos o reconstruir sistemas de archivo de discos duros formateados con distintos sistemas operativos.

Ofrece un entorno gráfico que facilita la puesta en marcha de las operaciones. Dispone también de programas para realizar “autopsias” de los problemas del disco.


Scheda completa de la distribución, capturas de pantallas e instrucciones para la descarga en esta página.

Actualización (via Distrowatch)

Ubuntu Rescue Remix Andrew Zajac has announced the release of Ubuntu Rescue Remix 11.04, an Ubuntu-based live medium which provides the data recovery specialist with a command-line interface environment equipped useful free and open-source data recovery and forensics tools: "Version 11.04 'Natty Narwhal' of the very best libre open-source data recovery software toolkit based on Ubuntu is out. This version features and up-to-date infrastructure and several new packages, including Dump, a backup and restore solution as well as ClamAV, the best in libre anti-virus software. Ubuntu-Rescue-Remix features a full command-line environment with the newsest versions of the most powerful libre open-source data recovery software including GNU ddrescue, Photorec, The Sleuth Kit and Gnu-fdisk."

Here is the brief release announcement.

 Download (MD5): UbuntuRescueRemix1104.iso (224MB).

Programas incluídos:

Filesystem tools: Disk tools: Other tools:

Gnu ddrescue
mc (Midnight Commander)


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ComFusion es una distribución que une Ubuntu con Compiz Fusion incluyendo una excelente selección de programas.

ComFusion suma Ubuntu, Compiz y Fusion, y alcanza una alta puntuación, logrando una distro LiveCD que muchos estaban esperando. ComFusion corre Compiz-Fusion en Ubuntu, tanto en chip Intel como NVIDIA o ATI, por lo que no tendrás problemas de controladores.

Entre otras aplicaciones, ComFusion incluye Banshee, Brasero, Empathy, Ailurus, Chromium, Ubuntu Tweak, LibreOffice, GIMP, jDownloader o qBittorrent, entre otros.

Basado en Ubuntu 10.04, ComFusion incluye una excelente selección de programas, scripts y ajustes de sistema que a buen seguro harán que muchos usuarios, especialmente usuarios de Windows, se interesen por Linux.

Actualizaciones (via Distrowatch):

Comfusion is a Spanish Ubuntu-based distribution formerly known as Uberyl. The latest release, version 3, is the project's first stable build in over two years and it comes with a number of major changes. Firstly, there is a choice of desktop environments which includes GNOME, the full-featured desktop for modern computers, LXDE, a lightweight desktop similar to GNOME but with less resource-hungry components, and Openbox, a very light, but highly configurable window manager. Secondly, the release also comes with the XMBC media centre, the Cairo-Dock application launchbar, and a large variety of usability improvements and modifications of all aspects of the desktop.

Please head for the detailed release notes (in Spanish, PDF format) if you'd like to learn more about Comfusion 3.

The release is available for download from SourceForge (and also via BitTorrent) as a split ISO image that needs to be extracted with 7z to create a bootable DVD: ComFusion3.7z.001 (700MB), ComFusion3.7z.002 (671MB).

Ultimas versiones publicadas:

• 2011-02-16: Distribution Release: Comfusion 3
• 2008-11-07: Distribution Release: ComFusion 2.0

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Publicadas todas las versiones oficiales y derivadas de la nueva Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat.

Como nos tiene acaostumbrados Canonical, empresa privada fundada y financiada por el empresario sudafricano Mark Shuttleworth, para la promoción de proyectos relacionados con software libre, con sede en la isla de Man, ha publicado regolarmente de acuerdo al cronograma original, todas las versiones oficiales y derivadas de la nueva Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat.


Un breve resumen de cada publicaciòn:

Ubuntu It's 10:10:10 UCT on 10-10-10 which can only mean one thing - that a new version of the most popular desktop Linux distribution, Ubuntu 10.10, is out and ready for general consumption: "The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce Ubuntu 10.10. Focused on home and mobile computing users, Ubuntu 10.10 introduces an array of online and offline applications to Ubuntu Desktop edition with a particular focus on the personal cloud. Ubuntu Netbook Edition users will experience an all-new desktop interface called 'Unity' -- specifically tuned for smaller screens and computing on the move." Also includes a brand-new Ubuntu font family, a redesigned system installer, the latest GNOME 2.32 desktop, Shotwell as the new default photo manager, and a number of other features. See the release announcement, press release and release notes for further details. Download (SHA256): ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso (693MB, torrent), ubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64.iso (695MB, torrent).

Kubuntu Jonathan Riddell has announced the release of Kubuntu 10.10, an official Ubuntu variant featuring the KDE 4 desktop: "The Kubuntu team is proud to announce the release of 10.10, the latest version of our popular Linux distribution. Kubuntu is one of the Ubuntu distributions and is based on KDE software. With the combination of its Ubuntu backbone, the amazing KDE platform and applications, plus a few unique extras, 10.10 aims to provide the best fusion of stability, beauty and up-to-date software. Whether working, browsing the web, playing your music, composing an email or connecting with your friends on social networks, Kubuntu 10.10 brings you an innovative and attractive platform for all your desktop needs!" The release features KDE 4.5.1, a new combined desktop/netbook CD image, and Reconq, a new default web browser. Read release announcement for a detailed list of new features illustrated by screenshots. Download (SHA256): kubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso (696MB, torrent), kubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64.iso (696MB, torrent).

Xubuntu Xubuntu 10.10, an official Ubuntu variant featuring the Xfce desktop environment, is out: "Xubuntu 10.10, code-named 'Maverick Meerkat', is the latest and greatest version of Xubuntu. Some of the highlights include: Xubuntu now uses Parole, the Xfce Media Player, to provide an improved audio/video experience; Xfburn has replaced Brasero for a more resource-conscious CD/DVD burning tool; Xfce task manager has replaced GNOME task manager, providing similar function with fewer resources required; Gnumeric has been updated to version 1.10.8, and AbiWord is now version 2.8.6; a brand-new theme from the Shimmer team has been introduced." Read the release announcement and release notes to learn more about the new release. Download (SHA256): xubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso (697MB, torrent), xubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64.iso (693MB, torrent).

Edubuntu Jonathan Carter has announced the release of Edubuntu 10.10, an Ubuntu flavour designed primarily for deployment in schools: "The Edubuntu team is proud to announce the release of the latest version, Edubuntu 10.10, which is now available for download. The Edubuntu project is a group of people that aim to deliver the best of educational free software in an easily installable medium. We are part of the larger Ubuntu community and our main body of work is the Edubuntu installation disc, which installs Ubuntu along with educational tools and packages available in the Ubuntu software archives. We aim to make Ubuntu a great choice for the computing needs of children, students, parents, teachers and schools, bringing many of the best educational open-source applications and tools to the Ubuntu operating system." Read the release announcement for more information. Download (SHA256): edubuntu-10.10-dvd-i386.iso (2,463MB, torrent), edubuntu-10.10-dvd-amd64.iso (2,487MB, torrent).

Mythbuntu Ben Dailey has announced the release of Mythbuntu 10.10, a specialist variant of Ubuntu designed for home theatre PCs: "Mythbuntu 10.10 has been released. With this release, we are providing mirroring on sponsored mirrors and torrents. It is very important to note that this release is only compatible with MythTV 0.23.1 systems. Previous Mythbuntu releases can be upgraded to a compatible version with the builds located at here, for a more detailed explanation see here. Highlights: swanky new installer; Mythbuntu-bare, a backup and restore utility for your MythTV configuration files; MythTV 0.23.1; preview of the upcoming MythNetvision plugin; Mythbuntu theme fixes." Read the complete release announcement for more details and a list of known issues. Download (SHA256): mythbuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso (643MB, torrent), mythbuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64.iso (685MB, torrent).

Lubuntu Julian Lavergne has announced the release of Lubuntu 10.10, an unofficial Ubuntu flavour featuring the lightweight LXDE desktop environment. Some of the features of this release include: "Based on the lightweight LXDE desktop environment; PCManFM 0.9.7, a fast and lightweight file manager using GIO/GVFS; LXDM, a lightweight GTK+ display manager; Chromium, the open-source build of Google Chrome; based on Ubuntu 10.10. Improvements since Lubuntu 10.04: added Update Notifier to get notification of available updates; added Xpad to create quick notes (similar to Tomboy); added Ace of penguins to provide some games; removed Parcellite which is not maintained upstream; pyNeighborhood was replaced by GVFS support of PCManFM; replace Xfce task manager with LXTask for tasks monitoring; Evince is now used for reading PDF files; a new and fresh theme...." Read the full release announcement for a detailed list of all major changes. Download: lubuntu-10.10.iso (546MB, MD5, torrent).

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Tambièn Super OS ex-Super Ubuntu se actualiza: publicada la versión 9.10

Anteriormente conocida como SuperUbuntu, SuperOS es una distribución no oficial de Ubuntu, actualizada con todo tipo de paquetes y lo último en software.

A modo de ejemplo SuperOS incluye una completísima ensalada de codecs, además de un completo soporte multimedia (VLC, soporte para reproducir DVD, MP3, etc…), aplicaciones tales como aMSN, Opera, Flash, Moonlight, Google Gears, aplicaciones portables, Java, Ubuntu Tweak, Startup_Manager, e incluso su propio repositorio.

Lista para montar y funcionar con absolutamente todo lo que podamos necesitar.

Especialmente indicada para novatos en Linux o gente que no quiera complicarse la vida instalando programas.


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MoLinux distro derivada de Ubuntu realizada por la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla

MoLinux es la distribución GNU/Linux oficial de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha.

MoLinux está basado en Ubuntu. Los nombres de cada versión son personajes de la novela "El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha", de Miguel de Cervantes.

MoLinux es una iniciativa comenzada en 2005 de la JCCM para introducir a la comunidad castellano-manchega en la vanguardia de la Sociedad de la Información.

El proyecto MoLinux ataca la brecha digital reduciendo los costes del software y ofreciendo un sistema operativo fácil de usar. MoLinux es un sistema operativo general. Pronto estarán disponibles versiones modulares adaptadas a usos más específicos.

El compromiso con la filosofía 'software libre' es tal que el gobierno castellano manchego no impondrá en ningún caso el uso de 'Molinux'. "La ventaja es que el 'software' libre no tiene que competir con nadie, y el usuario puede elegir entre usar este u otro tipo de 'software'"


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