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 Ubuntu 22.10, cuyo nombre en código es "Kinetic Kudu", trae consigo GNOME 43 en su combinación habitual de aplicaciones actualizadas y antiguas (ya sabe cómo lo hacen en Ubuntu, nunca actualizan todo por completo). GNOME 43 presenta una serie de características nuevas que van desde un nuevo menú de configuración rápida hasta mejoras en el administrador de archivos. Nueva entrada entre las aplicaciones preinstaladas en Ubuntu 22.10 encontramos el nuevo editor de texto GNOME que reemplaza a Gedit.

Otra novedad se refiere al servidor de audio predeterminado con la llegada de WirePlumber.

Lado de las peculiares características de la distro encontramos, dentro de los ajustes del sistema, un nuevo panel para cambiar el comportamiento del Dock de Ubuntu.

Vía Distrowatch:

Canonical ha anunciado el lanzamiento de Ubuntu 22.10. La nueva versión contará con soporte durante nueve meses y lleva el nombre en clave "Kinetic Kudu". "Ubuntu 22.10 ofrece actualizaciones de la cadena de herramientas para Ruby, Go, GCC y Rust. OpenSSH en Ubuntu 22.10 está configurado de forma predeterminada para usar la activación de socket systemd, lo que significa que sshd no se iniciará hasta que se reciba una solicitud de conexión entrante. Esto reduce la huella de memoria de Ubuntu Server en dispositivos más pequeños, máquinas virtuales o contenedores LXD. Ubuntu 22.10 también viene con un nuevo servicio debuginfod para ayudar a los desarrolladores y administradores a depurar los programas enviados con Ubuntu. Las herramientas de depuración como gdb descargarán automáticamente los símbolos de depuración necesarios a través de HTTPS. Ubuntu 22.10 ahora es compatible con MicroPython en una variedad de microcontroladores, incluido Raspberry Pi Pico W. rshell, thonny y mpremote están disponibles en los repositorios de Ubuntu.Se puede encontrar información adicional en el anuncio de lanzamiento de la distribución y en las notas de lanzamiento . Descarga ( pkglist ): ubuntu-22.10-desktop-amd64.iso(3883 MB, SHA256 , firma , torrent ), ubuntu-22.10-live-server-amd64.iso (1566 MB, SHA256 , firma , torrent ).

Juega juegos de crucigramas en el escritorio de Linux con esta nueva aplicación GNOME

Juega juegos de crucigramas en el escritorio de Linux con esta nueva aplicación GNOME

Te encantará esta nueva aplicación de GNOME si eres uno de esos cruciverbalistas. Crucigramas: aplicación de GNOME para resolver...

Publicada Ubuntu 22.04 “Jammy Jellyfish” y sus sabores, las nuevas LTS de Canonical.

Publicada Ubuntu 22.04 “Jammy Jellyfish” y sus sabores, las nuevas LTS de Canonical.

 Se ha lanzado Ubuntu 22.04 "Jammy Jellyfish", una versión muy esperada por la comunidad de usuarios porque trae GNOME...

Canonical publica Ubuntu 21.10 "Impish Indri" junto a todos los sabores oficiales.

 Como es una norma Canonical en forma más que puntual las nuevas versiones de sus distribución oficial y la de todas sus derivadas oficiales.

Este es el detalle de acuerdo a lo anunciado por la conocida página de Distrowatch con todos los enlaces hascia las descargas:

 • Distribution Release: Ubuntu 21.10
Canonical has announced the release of Ubuntu 21.10. This version includes GNOME 40, enables Wayland sessions for NVIDIA cards, and offers a new Activities overview. The release announcement says: "Ubuntu 21.10, codenamed 'Impish Indri', is here. This release continues Ubuntu's proud tradition of integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution. The team has been hard at work through this cycle, partnering with the community and our partners, to introduce new features and fix bugs. Ubuntu Desktop 21.10 makes wayland sessions available while using the NVIDIA proprietary driver. PulseAudio 15 introduces support for Bluetooth LDAC and AptX codecs, as well as HFP Bluetooth profiles providing better audio quality. The recovery key feature at installation time has been improved, with the recovery key now optional, stronger and editable. Ubuntu Desktop 21.10 includes GNOME version 40, with a new and improved Activities Overview design. Workspaces are now arranged horizontally, and the overview and app grid are accessed vertically. Each direction has accompanying keyboard shortcuts, touchpad gestures and mouse actions." Additional information can be found in the release notes. Download (pkglist): ubuntu-21.10-desktop-amd64.iso (2,972MB, SHA256, signature, torrent), ubuntu-21.10-live-server-amd64.iso (2,210MB, SHA256, signature, torrent).

Kubuntu is a community edition of the Ubuntu family which features the KDE Plasma desktop. The project's new release is Kubuntu 21.10 which offers nine months of support and runs the KDE Plasma 5.22 desktop. "The Kubuntu Team is happy to announce that Kubuntu 21.10 has been released, featuring the ‘beautiful’ KDE Plasma 5.22: simple by default, powerful when needed. Codenamed 'Impish Indri', Kubuntu 21.10 continues our tradition of giving you Friendly Computing by integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution. The team has been hard at work through this cycle, introducing new features and fixing bugs. Under the hood, there have been updates to many core packages, including a new 5.13-based kernel, KDE Frameworks 5.86, KDE Plasma 5.22 and KDE Gear 21.08." Further details and a screenshot can be found in the project's release announcementDownloadkubuntu-21.10-desktop-amd64.iso (3,216MB, SHA256signaturetorrentpkglist).
2021-10-15NEW • Distribution Release: Xubuntu 21.10
Version 21.10 of Xubuntu, a distribution that integrates Ubuntu's base system with the latest version of the Xfce desktop, has been released: "The Xubuntu team is happy to announce the immediate release of Xubuntu 21.10. Xubuntu 21.10, code-named Impish Indri, is a regular release and will be supported for 9 months, until June 2022. If you need a stable environment with longer support time we recommend that you use Xubuntu 20.04 LTS instead. Highlights: Xubuntu now comes pre-installed with GNOME Disk Analyzer, GNOME Disk Utility and Rhythmbox; Disk Analyzer and Disk Utility make it easier to monitor and manage your partitions; Rhythmbox enables music playback with a dedicated media library; Pipewire is now included in Xubuntu and is used in conjunction with PulseAudio to improve audio playback and hardware support in Linux; Keyboard shortcuts - the Super (Windows) key will now reveal the applications menu, existing Super+ keyboard shortcuts are unaffected. Known issues: the shutdown prompt may not be displayed at the end of the installation." Continue to the release announcement for further details. Downloadxubuntu-21.10-desktop-amd64.iso (2,000MB, SHA256signaturetorrentpkglist).
2021-10-15NEW • Distribution Release: Lubuntu 21.10
Dan Simmons has announced the release of Lubuntu 21.10, the new stable version of the project's Linux distribution featuring the LXQt desktop: "Lubuntu 21.10 has been released. With the code name 'Impish Indri', Lubuntu 21.10 is the 21st release of Lubuntu and the seventh release of Lubuntu with LXQt as the default desktop environment. Lubuntu 21.10 will be supported for 9 months until July 2022. You can find the following major applications and toolkits installed by default in this release: LXQt 0.17.0 with many improvements over 0.16; LXQt Archiver 0.4.0, which is based on Engrampa, is now included; Qt 5.15.2; Mozilla Firefox will be shipped as a Debian package with version 93.0 and will receive updates from the Ubuntu Security team throughout the support cycle of the release; the LibreOffice 7.2.1 suite; VLC 3.0.16 for viewing media and listening to music; Featherpad 0.17.1 for notes and code editing; Discover Software Center 5.22.5 for an easy, graphical way to install and update software. You can find a variety of other applications which aim to enhance your experience while staying out of the way of your normal workflow." Read the resto of the release announcement for more details and screenshots. Downloadlubuntu-21.10-desktop-amd64.iso (1,984MB, SHA256signaturetorrentpkglist).
2021-10-15NEW • Distribution Release: Ubuntu Budgie 21.10
Ubuntu Budgie is a community edition of the Ubuntu family featuring the Budgie desktop environment. The project has published Ubuntu Budgie 21.10 which offers nine months of support. "We are pleased to announce the release of the next version of our distro, 21.10. This is a regular release supported for 9 months. For those looking for a longer-term support release, we recommend our 20.04 LTS version which is supported for three years. Key highlights: release of our second Raspberry Pi image; brand-new Budgie desktop version - do look out for our optional Windows 11 layout; our Window Shuffler now automatically moves and rearranges windows across multiple monitors and workspaces; look out for our Window Shuffler Budgie applet; brand new applet - budgie-cputemp-applet; a mass of new capabilities, changes and fixes throughout our Budgie applets; GNOME 40 and GNOME 41 applications. We also inherit hundreds of stability enhancements, bug fixes and optimizations made to the underlying Ubuntu repositories." Additional details can be found in the project's release announcement and release notesDownload (SHA256)ubuntu-budgie-21.10-desktop-amd64.iso (3,047MB, torrentsignaturepkglist).
2021-10-15NEW • Distribution Release: Ubuntu Studio 21.10
Ubuntu Studio is a community edition of Ubuntu featuring the KDE Plasma desktop and focusing on audio and video production. The project's latest release is version 21.10 which will be supported for nine months. "The Ubuntu Studio team is pleased to announce the release of Ubuntu Studio 21.10, code-named 'Impish Indri'. This marks Ubuntu Studio's 30th release. This release is a regular release and as such, it is supported for nine months, until July 2022. Due to the change in desktop environment that started after the release of 20.04 LTS, direct upgrades from supported releases prior to 21.04 are not supported. This release includes Plasma 5.22.5, the full-featured desktop environment made by KDE. It uses the Materia theme and Papirus icons. Studio Controls has seen further development as its own independent project and has been updated to version 2.2.7. This version has an all-new layout and features, including JACK over network and MIDI over network. Ardour has been updated to version 6.9 and includes a ton of bug fixes and enhancements." Additional information can be found in the Ubuntu Studio release announcement and release notesDownloadubuntustudio-21.10-dvd-amd64.iso (4,180MB, SHA256signaturetorrentpkglist).
2021-10-14NEW • Distribution Release: Ubuntu MATE 21.10
Martin Wimpress has announced the release of Ubuntu MATE 21.10. The new version will receive nine months of support and features MATE 1.26.0 as the default desktop environment. "A significant effort has been invested in fixing bugs in MATE Desktop 1.26.0, optimising performance and plugging memory leaks. MATE Desktop is faster and leaner as a result and its underpinnings have been modernised and updated. This last point mostly benefits developers working on MATE, but is important to highlight to users at it demonstrates MATE Desktop is being maintained to ensure its longevity. Here are some of the other quality of life improvements in MATE Desktop 1.26: The Control Center features: Improved Window Preferences dialog with a more comprehensive window behaviour and placement options presented. Display preferences now has an option for discrete display scaling. Power Manager has a new option to enable keyboard dimming. Notifications now support for hyperlinks. Caja can format drives and has a new Bookmarks sidebar." Further details can be found in the release announcement and release notesDownloadubuntu-mate-21.10-desktop-amd64.iso (3,248MB, SHA256signaturetorrentpkglist).

Desarrollo de Videojuegos Sociales y Móviles (4a parte): Back-end.

Desarrollo de Videojuegos Sociales y Móviles (4a parte): Back-end.

 La capa de servicios del juego puede ser implementada usando lenguajes del lado del servidor (Java, PHP, C#) y...

Desarrollo de Videojuegos Sociales y Móviles (3a parte): Front end..

Desarrollo de Videojuegos Sociales y Móviles (3a parte): Front end..

 Actualmente, la mayoría de los juegos sociales usa Adobe Flash en su front-end, lo que permite que éstos sean...