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Software Packages incluìdos en Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope, secciòn Juegos, quinta parte

Lo que sigue es la quinta parte de la lista completa y definitiva (extraìda de los repositorios oficiales de Ubuntu) de los juegos incluìdos en la nueva versiòn 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope con un breve comentario de cada uno.

Algunas variantes con respecto a la versiòn anterior Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex.

En los ùltimos años Ubuntu es una de las distribuciones Linux que màs ha adaptado su plataforma a las aplicaciones de juegos para el PC y al multimedial.

En las ùltimas releases la mayor parte de ellas ya viene incluìda de default en los repositorios universe o multiverse y por lo tanto la instalaciòn es sumamente sencilla ya sea a travès de Synaptic o con el classico sudo apt-get install, sin tener que hacer us,o como en versiones anteriores, de Wine.

Macopix, la muñequita manga que nos acompaña desde el borde de la ventana

Macopix, en un pequeño programma hecho en Perl, pensado para quien sentado delante del PC durante varias horas al día corre el peligro de aburrirse.

En realidad más que de un programa verdadero se trata de una “Desktop Sitter” en la cual es una muñequita manga que se sienta en el borde de tu ventana y se queda allí, a la espera de acontecimientos.

Una de las características de destacar del programa es la opción de configurarlo directamente para que te avise cuando te lleguen correos electrónicos nuevos.
Mascot Constructive Pilot for X based on GTK+ 2
Ficha completa e instrucciones para la descarga en esta página

madbomber (0.2.5-3) [universe]
A Kaboom! clone
madbomber-data (0.2.5-3) [universe]
Datafiles for madbomber
maelstrom (1.4.3-L3.0.6-7ubuntu1) [multiverse]
An arcade-style game resembling Asteroids.
magicmaze ( [universe]
rescue the maiden while avoiding the monsters
magicor (1.0-2ubuntu1) [universe]
puzzle game in the spirit of solomon's key
Magicor, un rompecabezas con bloques de hielo y Tux, la mascota de Linux.

Utimamente vemos a la mascota de Linux: Tux como protagonista de muchos juegos.

En este caso le toca el turno a Magicor.

El objetivo de este juego es que nuestro simpático pingüino consiga apagar los fuegos que surgen por todas partes.

Para conseguirlo solo disponemos de bloques de hielo que en algunos casos estarán sobre el escenario y en otro tendremos que crearlos soplando sobre el terreno, la tecla por defecto para conseguirlo es la barra espaciadora.

Ficha completa e instrucciones para la descarga en esta página

data files for the magicor puzzle game
mah-jong (1.8-1build1) [universe]
The original Mah-Jong game
mancala (1.0.1-2) [universe]
Implementation of the simple board game called Mancala
matanza (0.13-3.4) [universe]
Space ascii war game
matrem (1.0-10) [universe]
An experiment in Artificial life
mazeofgalious (0.62.dfsg2-2.1) [universe]
The Maze of Galious
mazeofgalious-data (0.62.dfsg2-2.1) [universe]
The Maze of Galious
mednafen (0.8.9-1) [universe]
multi-platform emulator, including NES, GB/A, Lynx, PC Engine
meritous (1.2+dfsg-1) [universe]
action-adventure dungeon crawl game
meritous-data (1.2+dfsg-1) [universe]
action-adventure dungeon crawl game (datafiles)
mgt (2.31-5) [universe]
a game record display/editor for the oriental game of go
mines.app (0.1.0-5build1) [universe]
Minesweeper for GNUstep
mirrormagic ( [universe]
Shoot around obstacles to collect energy using your beam.
mirrormagic-data ( [universe]
Data files for mirrormagic
mmucl (1.5.2-1) [universe]
Mark's MUd CLient
moagg (0.18-6) [universe]
2D gravity game
moagg-data (0.18-2) [universe]
data files for the moagg game
moaggedit (0.5-4) [universe]
map editor for the Moagg game
monkey-bubble (0.4.0-0ubuntu5) [universe]
game in which you must explode all bubbles
monopd (0.9.3-4ubuntu1) [universe]
Monopoly game network server
monster-masher (1.8-1) [universe]
GPL'ed mash'em-up action game for GNOME
monsterz (0.7.1-2) [universe]
arcade puzzle game
monsterz-data (0.7.1-2) [universe]
graphics and audio data for monsterz
moon-buggy (1.0.51-5) [universe]
Drive a car across the moon
moon-buggy-esd (1.0.51-5) [universe]
Drive a car across the moon (version with sound)
moon-lander (1:1.0-4ubuntu5) [universe]
An SDL game based on the classic moon lander
moon-lander-data (1:1.0-4ubuntu5) [universe]
Data files (sound, images) for moon-lander
mousetrap (0.9-2) [universe]
A simple game of ball chasing
mu-cade (0.11.dfsg1-2) [universe]
the physics centipede invasion, smashup waggly shmup
mu-cade-data (0.11.dfsg1-2) [universe]
the physics centipede invasion - game data
nethack-common (3.4.3-10.5ubuntu1) [universe]
Common files for Nethack dungeon crawl game
nethack-console (3.4.3-10.5ubuntu1) [universe]
Text-based overhead view D&D-style adventure game
nethack-el (1:0.9.5-2) [universe]
Emacs major-mode for playing NetHack
nethack-lisp (3.4.3-10.5ubuntu1) [universe]
Text-based overhead view D&D-style adventure game
nethack-qt (3.4.3-10.5ubuntu1) [universe]
Text-based/Qt overhead view D&D-style adventure game
nethack-x11 (3.4.3-10.5ubuntu1) [universe]
Text-based/X11 overhead view D&D-style adventure game
netmaze (0.81+jpg0.82-12) [universe]
3-D Multiplayer Combat Game
netpanzer (0.8.2-2) [universe]
online multiplayer tactical warfare game
netpanzer-data (0.8.2-2) [universe]
data files for the netPanzer game
netpanzer-dbg (0.8.2-2) [universe]
debugging symbols for netpanzer
netris (0.52-7) [universe]
free, networked version of T*tris
nettoe (1.1.0-3) [universe]
Networked version of Tic Tac Toe (3x3 Grid) for the console
neverball (1.4.0-6) [universe]
3D floor-tilting game
neverball-common (1.4.0-6) [universe]
data files for Neverball and Neverputt
neverball-data (1.4.0-6) [universe]
data files for Neverball
neverputt (1.4.0-6) [universe]
3D miniature golf game
nexuiz (2.4.2-1) [universe]
A fast-paced 3D first-person shooter
nexuiz-data (2.4.2-1) [universe]
Nexuiz game data files
nexuiz-dbg (2.4.2-1) [universe]
Debug information for the game Nexuiz
nexuiz-music (2.4.2-1) [universe]
Nexuiz music files
nexuiz-server (2.4.2-1) [universe]
Standalone server for Nexuiz
nexuiz-server-dbg (2.4.2-1) [universe]
Debug symols for the Nexuiz game server
nighthawk (1.0-15.1) [universe]
An improved version of Paradroid - a strategic shoot-em up
nikwi (0.0.20060823-1) [universe]
platform game where your goal is to collect candies
nikwi-data (0.0.20060823-1) [universe]
platform game where your goal is to collect candies - game data
ninix-aya (3.9.4-1) [universe]
Interactive fake-AI Ukagaka-compatible desktop mascot program
ninvaders (0.1.1-2) [universe]
A space invaders-like game using ncurses
njam (1.25-5ubuntu1) [universe]
pacman-like game with multiplayer support
noiz2sa (0.51a-8) [universe]
abstract arcade shooter
noiz2sa-data (0.51a-8) [universe]
abstract arcade shooter, data files
ogamesim (1.16-1) [universe]
Console Ogame Simulator
ogamesim-www (0.32-1) [universe]
WWW GUI for ogamesim
omega-rpg (1:0.90-pa9-15) [universe]
A text-based roguelike game
oneisenough (0.40-1) [universe]
2D platform game about the epic struggle of balls
oneko (1.2.sakura.6-6) [universe]
a cat chases the cursor (now a mouse) around the screen
onscripter (20080121-0ubuntu1) [universe]
Visual novel games engine compatible to NScripter
oolite (1.65-6build1) [multiverse]
space-sim game Oolite ported to GNUStep/OpenGL linux
oolite-data (1.65-2) [multiverse]
Data files for the space-sim game Oolite
open-invaders (0.3-1) [universe]
Space Invaders clone
open-invaders-data (0.3-1) [universe]
Space Invaders clone (data package)
OpenArena videojuego en 3D de código libre y abierto.

Open Arena es un videojuego en 3D Libre, perteneciente al género de acción en primera persona.

OpenArena fue lanzado al mercado como la primera prueba de beta el 19 de agosto de 2005, un día después de que el código fuente del motor gráfico de Quake III fuera liberado bajo Licencia GPL, el último día de la exposición de Quake 2005.

OpenArena está siendo desarrollado, usando principalmente software de código Libre y abierto. El motor de juego es el Quake III GPL de la compañía id Software, el cual es completamente Libre. El motor de Juego, el código y los datos, todos son de contenido abierto.

Se encuentra en un nivel de desarrollo temprano. A partir de la versión 0.8.0 se agregó un "missionpack" para aprovechar las ventajas del código fuente del motor GPL Quake III: Team Arena.

OpenArena ha sido aprobado para ser compatible con algunos mods de Quake 3.
 Ficha completa e instrucciones para la descarga en esta página
opencity ( [universe]
a 3D city simulator game
openglad (0.98-3) [universe]
Top-down guantlet-style RPG
openrpg (1.6.3-1.1ubuntu1) [universe]
client/server application to play RPG over the Internet
openttd (0.6.2-1) [multiverse]
reimplementation of Transport Tycoon Deluxe with enhancements
orbital-eunuchs-sniper (1.30+svn20070601-1) [universe]
An anti-terrorist, pro-Eunuchs, satellite sniping game
overgod (1.0-1ubuntu2) [universe]
bi-directional scrolling arcade game
overgod-data (1.0-1ubuntu2) [universe]
graphics and audio data for overgod
overkill (0.16-13) [universe]
bloody 2D action deathmatch-like game in ascii-art
Si te ha gustado el artículo inscribete al feed clicando en la imagen más abajo para tenerte siempre actualizado sobre los nuevos contenidos del blog:

Software Packages incluìdos en Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope, secciòn Juegos, cuarta parte

Lo que sigue es la cuarta parte de la lista completa y definitiva (extraìda de los repositorios oficiales de Ubuntu) de los juegos incluìdos en la nueva versiòn 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope con un breve comentario de cada uno:
icebreaker (1.21-11) [universe]
Break the iceberg
ii-esu (1.0a.dfsg1-1) [universe]
shooter game
imaze-lesstif (1.4-12build1) [universe]
multiplayer, 3D, labyrinth, run & shoot game (lesstif/motif client)
imaze-sounds (1.4-12build1) [universe]
multiplayer, 3D, labyrinth, run & shoot game (sound files)
imaze-xaw (1.4-12build1) [universe]
multiplayer, 3D, labyrinth, run & shoot game (xaw client)
imaze-xlabed (1.4-12build1) [universe]
multiplayer, 3D, labyrinth, run & shoot game (lab generator)
imaze-xview (1.4-12build1) [universe]
multiplayer, 3D, labyrinth, run & shoot game (xview client)
imazesrv (1.4-12build1) [universe]
multiplayer, 3D, labyrinth, run & shoot game (server)
infon-devel (0~r144-1) [universe]
Develop bots for the infon game
infon-server (0~r198-2.1) [universe]
Program bugs to compete for food and survival - Server
infon-viewer (0~r198-2.1) [universe]
Program bugs to compete for food and survival - GUI
jester (1.0-8) [universe]
board game similar to Othello
jmdlx (0.4-3) [universe]
jugglemaster deluxe using wxWidgets
jmqt (0.4-3) [universe]
qt version of jugglemaster
jumpnbump (1.50+dfsg1-1) [universe]
cute multiplayer platform game with bunnies
jumpnbump-levels (20080620) [universe]
cute multiplayer platform game with bunnies (extra levels)
jzip (210r20001005-2) [universe]
Text mode interpreter for Z-Code adventures
kanagram (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
jumble word puzzle for KDE 4
kanatest (0.4.4-2) [universe]
beginner's drill game to learn Japanese kana characters
kapman (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
pac-man clone for KDE 4
katomic (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
atomix puzzle game for KDE 4
kawari8 (8.2.8-1) [universe]
Pseudo AI Shiori module used to create ghosts for Ukagaka
kball (0.0.20041216-5) [universe]
game of skill and reflexes for all the family
kball-data (0.0.20041216-5) [universe]
game of skill and reflexes for all the family - data files
kbattleship (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
battleship board game for KDE 4
kblackbox (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
Black Box puzzle game for KDE 4
kblocks (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
a falling blocks game for KDE
kbounce (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
Jezzball arcade game for KDE 4
kbreakout (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
Breakout arcade game for KDE 4
kcheckers (0.8.1-2) [universe]
Checkers boardgame
kdegames-card-data (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
card decks for KDE 4 games
kdiamond (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
three-in-a-row game for KDE 4
kdiamond-kde4 (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
Transitional package
ketm (0.0.6-21) [universe]
old school 2D-scrolling shooter
ketm-data (0.0.6-21) [universe]
graphics and audio data for ketm
kfourinline (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
Connect Four game for KDE
kgoldrunner (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
Lode Runner arcade game for KDE 4
khangman (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
Hangman word puzzle for KDE 4
kiki-the-nano-bot (1.0.2+dfsg1-2) [universe]
a 3D puzzle game, mixing Sokoban and Kula-World
kiki-the-nano-bot-data (1.0.2+dfsg1-2) [universe]
Kiki the nano bot - game data
kildclient (2.7.0-1build1) [universe]
Powerful MUD client with a built-in Perl interpreter
killbots (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
robots clone for KDE 4
kiriki (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
Yahtzee dice game for KDE 4
kjumpingcube (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
simple tactical game for KDE 4
klines (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
color lines game for KDE 4
kmahjongg (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
Mahjongg solitaire game for KDE 4
kmines (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
minesweeper game for KDE 4
knetwalk (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
wire puzzle game for KDE 4
kobodeluxe (0.5.1-3) [universe]
a game of space battle
kobodeluxe-data (0.5.1-3) [universe]
a game of space battle -- shared data
kolf (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
miniature golf game for KDE 4
kollision (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
simple ball dodging game for KDE 4
komi (1.04-4) [universe]
A single player arcade game with Komi the Space Frog!
konquest (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
simple turn-based strategy game for KDE 4
koules (1.4-17) [universe]
abstract space action game
kpat (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
solitaire card games for KDE 4
kq (0.99.cvs20070319-1.1) [universe]
adventure game in the spirit of Final Fantasy
kq-data (0.99.cvs20070319-1.1) [universe]
graphics and audio data for kq
kraptor (0.0.20040403-4) [universe]
Classic shoot 'em up scroller game
kraptor-data (0.0.20040403-4) [universe]
Classic shoot 'em up scroller game - data files
kreversi (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
reversi board game for KDE 4
ksame (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
SameGame puzzle game for KDE 4
kshisen (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
Shisen-Sho solitaire game for KDE 4
ksirk (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
Risk strategy game for KDE 4
kspaceduel (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
SpaceWar! arcade game for KDE 4
ksquares (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
Dots and Boxes game for KDE 4
ksudoku (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
Sudoku puzzle game and solver for KDE 4
ktuberling (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
stamp drawing toy for KDE 4
kubrick (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
game based on Rubik's Cube for KDE
kxmame (2.0~beta-0ubuntu2) [multiverse]
A KDE frontend for xmame emulator
late (0.1.0-11) [universe]
A simple game of capturing balls
late-data (0.1.0-11) [universe]
data files for late game
lbreakout2 (2.5.2-2.1ubuntu2) [universe]
A ball-and-paddle game with nice graphics
lbreakout2-data (2.5.2-2.1ubuntu2) [universe]
A ball-and-paddle game with nice graphics (DATA FILES)
lgeneral (1.1.1-5) [multiverse]
A "Panzer General" - like game
lightyears (1.3a-4) [universe]
single player real-time strategy game with steampunk sci-fi
lincity (1.13.1-7.1) [universe]
build & maintain a city/country
lincity-ng (2.0-2) [universe]
City simulator game with polished graphics
lincity-ng-data (2.0-2) [universe]
Media files for the city simulator game LinCity-NG
liquidwar (5.6.4-1) [universe]
A truely original multiplayer wargame
liquidwar-data (5.6.4-1) [universe]
Data files for Liquid War
liquidwar-server (5.6.4-1) [universe]
Liquid War server
littlewizard (1.2.0~rc2-2) [universe]
development environment for children
littlewizard-data (1.2.0~rc2-2) [universe]
littlewizard data files
lletters (0.1.95+gtk2-3) [universe]
GTK letters-learning game for small children
lletters-media (0.1.9a-4) [universe]
GTK letters-learning game for small children - data files
llk-linux (2.3~beta1-0ubuntu1) [universe]
a mahjongg-like game written in GTK
lmarbles (1.0.7-1) [universe]
A game where you build figures out of colored marbles
lmemory (0.6c-4) [universe]
A children's game based on the "memory" card game
londonlaw (0.2.1-9.1) [universe]
london law game
lordsawar (0.1.5-1) [universe]
A clone of the popular SSG game Warlords II
lordsawar-data (0.1.5-1) [universe]
A clone of the popular SSG game Warlords II
love (0.4.0-2) [universe]
2D game development framework based in Lua and OpenGL
love-dbg (0.4.0-2) [universe]
2D game development framework based in Lua and OpenGL
lskat (4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1)
Lieutnant Skat card game for KDE
lsnipes (0.9.4-6) [universe]
A text-base maze-orientated game
ltris (1.0.11-1ubuntu2) [universe]
very polished Tetris clone with CPU opponents
luola (1.3.2-5) [universe]
multiplayer cave-flying game
luola-data (1.3.2-5) [universe]
data files for luola
luola-levels (6.0-2) [universe]
level files for luola
luola-nostalgy (1.2-2) [universe]
nostalgy level files for luola
luxman (0.41-24.1) [universe]
Pac-Man clone (svgalib based)

Si te ha gustado el artículo inscribete al feed clicando en la imagen más abajo para tenerte siempre actualizado sobre los nuevos contenidos del blog:

Software Packages incluìdos en Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope, secciòn Juegos, tercera parte

Lo que sigue es la tercera parte de la lista completa y definitiva (extraìda de los repositorios oficiales de Ubuntu) de los juegos incluìdos en la nueva versiòn 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope con un breve comentario de cada uno:

gamazons (0.83-3) [universe]
Amazons boardgame for GNOME
game-data-packager (18) [multiverse]
Installer for game data files
gameclock (2.0-1) [universe]
a simple chess clock to track time in real life games
gamine (0.0.1-3) [universe]
an interactive game for young children
gamine-data (0.0.1-3) [universe]
data files for gamine game
gav (0.9.0-3) [universe]
GPL Arcade Volleyball
gav-themes (0.7.3-2) [universe]
Extra themes for GPL Arcade Volleyball
gbrainy (1.01-2ubuntu1) [universe]
brain teaser game and trainer to have fun and to keep your brain trained
Gcompris, aprender jugando con mas de 100 actividades y evolución constante.
GCompris es un programa de cómputo educacional con diferentes actividades para niños entre 2 y 10 años de edad. Algunas actividades son como videojuegos, pero siempre educativas. Entre otros, permite aprender y practicar cálculos y texto, así como iniciarse en el manejo de una computadora.

Encontrarás algunas actividades dentro de los siguientes temas:

* Descubriendo la computadora: teclado, ratón, diferentes movimientos del ratón, ...
* Álgebra: tabla de memoria, enumeración, tabla de doble entrada (balance), imagen espejo, ...
* Ciencia: El canal, El ciclo del agua, El submarino, ...
* Geografía: Coloca los países en el mapa.
* Juegos: ajedrez, memoria, ...
* Lectura: práctica de lectura
* Animación: Enseña a los niños los principios básicos de la animación y les permite crear pequeños dibujos animados.
* Otros: Aprende a decir la hora, Rompecabezas de pinturas famosas, dibujos por vectores, ...

En total, GCompris comprende más de 50 actividades y evoluciona constantemente. GCompris es software libre, por lo tanto tienes la posibilidad de adaptarlo a tus necesidades, o de mejorarlo, e incluso de compartir tu trabajo con niños de todo el mundo.

Ficha completa e instrucciones para la descarga en esta página
gearhead (1.100-1) [universe]
roguelike mecha role playing game
gearhead-data (1.100-1) [universe]
data files for gearhead
geekcode (1.7.3-3) [universe]
Program for generating geekcode
geki2 (2.0.3-7) [universe]
Xenon-like vertical shoot'em-up
geki3 (1.0.3-7) [universe]
R-Type-like horizontal shoot'em-up
gemdropx (0.9-5) [universe]
Gem Drop X is an interesting one-player puzzle game for X11
gfceu (0.6.1-0ubuntu1) [universe]
Graphical front-end using GTK2 for the FCE Ultra NES emulator
gfpoken (0.31-2) [universe]
Recreate a grid of mirrors from clues given by tests
ggz (0.0.14-1) [universe]
GGZ Gaming Zone: the complete GGZ environment for gamers
ggz-game-servers ( [universe]
GGZ Gaming Zone: game servers collection
ggz-gnome-client ( [universe]
GGZ Gaming Zone: core client for the GNOME desktop
ggz-grubby ( [universe]
GGZ Gaming Zone: chat bot with the ability to play games
ggz-gtk-client ( [universe]
GGZ Gaming Zone: advanced core client for GTK+ environments
ggz-gtk-games ( [universe]
GGZ Gaming Zone: game clients collection for GTK+
ggz-gtk-games-data ( [universe]
GGZ Gaming Zone: multimedia data for game clients for GTK+
ggz-kde-client ( [universe]
GGZ Gaming Zone: advanced core client for KDE
ggz-kde-games ( [universe]
GGZ Gaming Zone: game clients collection for KDE
ggz-kde-games-data ( [universe]
GGZ Gaming Zone: game clients collection for KDE
ggz-python-games ( [universe]
GGZ Gaming Zone: game clients collection for SDL and Python
ggz-sdl-games ( [universe]
GGZ Gaming Zone: game clients collection for SDL
ggz-sdl-games-data ( [universe]
GGZ Gaming Zone: game clients collection for SDL
ggzd ( [universe]
GGZ Gaming Zone: main server
gl-117 (1.3.2-2ubuntu1) [universe]
An action flight simulator
gl-117-data (1.3.2-2ubuntu1) [universe]
Data files for gl-117
glaurung (2.2-1) [universe]
free UCI chess engine, to calculate chess moves
glest (3.2.1-0ubuntu1) [multiverse]
a free 3D real-time customizable strategy game
glest-data (3.2.1-0ubuntu1) [multiverse]
a free 3d real-time customizable strategy game
glife (0.2.1-1ubuntu1) [universe]
artificial life implementation using GNOME
glob2 (0.9.3-2ubuntu1) [universe]
innovative state-of-the-art Real Time Strategy (RTS) game
glob2-data (0.9.3-2ubuntu1) [universe]
dataset for Globulation2 (glob2)
gltron (0.70final-8ubuntu2) [universe]
3D lightcycle game
gmult (5.4-2) [universe]
figure out which letters are which numbers
gnome-breakout (0.5.3-1) [universe]
Clone of the classic game Breakout, written for GNOME
gnome-games-data (1:2.26.1-0ubuntu2)
data files for the GNOME games
gnome-hearts (0.3-2ubuntu2) [universe]
The classic hearts card game for the GNOME desktop
gnome-mastermind (0.3.1-1) [universe]
Mastermind (TM) clone for GNOME Desktop
gnubg (0.90-3) [universe]
graphical or console backgammon program with analysis
gnubg-data (0.90-3) [universe]
data files for GNU Backgammon
gnubik (2.2-8) [universe]
3D Rubik's cube game
gnuboy-sdl (1.0.3-3) [multiverse]
SDL binaries for gnuboy - Game Boy Emulator
gnuboy-svga (1.0.3-3) [multiverse]
SVGALIB binaries for gnuboy - Game Boy Emulator
gnuboy-x (1.0.3-3) [multiverse]
X binaries for gnuboy - Game Boy Emulator
gnuchess (5.07-5) [universe]
Plays a game of chess, either against the user or against itself
gnuchess-book (1.01-1) [universe]
Opening book for gnuchess
gnudoq (0.94-2) [universe]
An open source, graphical Su Doku generator and solver with printer support
gnugo (3.8-1) [universe]
play the game of Go
gnujump (1.0.6-1) [universe]
platform game where you have to jump up to survive
gnujump-data (1.0.6-1) [universe]
platform game where you have to jump up to survive - data files
gnurobbo (0.57.1-2) [universe]
logic game ported from ATARI XE/XL
gnurobots (2:1.2.0-2) [universe]
Program a robot to explore a world
gnushogi (1.3.2-3) [universe]
A program to play shogi, the Japanese version of chess
golly (1.4-1) [universe]
Game of Life simulator using hashlife algorithm
gomoku.app (1.2.7-7build1) [universe]
Extended TicTacToe game for GNUstep
gpe-go (0.05-4) [universe]
two player board game for GPE
gpe-lights (0.13-4) [universe]
Lights Out game clone for GPE
gpe-othello (0.2-4) [universe]
othello board game for GPE
gplanarity (11496-2.1ubuntu1) [universe]
simple puzzle game involving untangling planar graphs
grande (0.6-10) [universe]
vertical shoot'em-up in the spirit of Xevious
granule (1.3.0-1) [universe]
flashcard program for learning new words
gravitation (3+dfsg1-1) [universe]
game about mania, melancholia, and the creative process
gravitywars (1.102-31ubuntu1) [universe]
clone of Gravity Force
greed (3.4-2) [universe]
curses-based clone of the DOS freeware game Greed
grhino (0.16.0-3) [universe]
othello/reversi boardgame
grhino-data (0.16.0-3) [universe]
othello/reversi boardgame - data-files
gridlock.app (1.10-3build1) [universe]
A collection of grid-based board games for GNUstep
groundhog (1.4-9) [universe]
A simple logic game
gsalliere (0.5.1-1) [universe]
Bridge duplicate scorer (GUI frontend)
gsoko (0.4.2-gpe6-3) [universe]
sokoban game for GPE
gtans (1.2-9) [universe]
Tangram (puzzle) game using GTK+
gtkballs (3.1.5-8) [universe]
A simple logic game
gtkboard (0.11pre0-8) [universe]
many board games in one program
gtkpool (0.5.0-8) [universe]
simple pool billiard game written with GTK+
gunroar (0.15.dfsg1-3) [universe]
360-degree gunboat shooter
gunroar-data (0.15.dfsg1-3) [universe]
360-degree gunboat shooter - game data
gvrng (4.0-2) [universe]
Interactive, introductory programming language
gweled (0.7-2ubuntu6) [universe]
A "Diamond Mine" puzzle game
gwp (0.4.0-1.2) [multiverse]
a VGA Planets strategy game client for GNOME
hannah (1.0-2) [universe]
pacman-like game, child oriented
hannah-data (1.0-2) [universe]
pacman-like game, child oriented - data files
hearse (1.5-7) [universe]
exchange Nethack bones files with other players
hedgewars (0.9.7-3ubuntu1) [universe]
Worms style game
hedgewars-data (0.9.7-3ubuntu1) [universe]
Data files for hedgewars
heroes-common (0.21-8.1) [universe]
Collect powerups and avoid your opponents' trails
heroes-data (1.5-2) [universe]
Required data files for heroes
heroes-ggi (0.21-8.1) [universe]
Collect powerups and avoid your opponents' trails
heroes-sdl (0.21-8.1) [universe]
Collect powerups and avoid your opponents' trails
heroes-sound-effects (1.0-4) [universe]
Optional sound files for heroes
heroes-sound-tracks (1.0-4) [universe]
Optional sound files for heroes
hex-a-hop (0.0.20070315-6) [universe]
puzzle game based on hexagonal tiles
hexxagon (1.0pl1-2) [universe]
Hexagonal Ataxx clone
hitori (0.2.1-0ubuntu1) [universe]
eponymous puzzle game
hoichess (0.10.3-1) [universe]
xboard compatible chess engine to play chess with
holotz-castle (1.3.10-1) [universe]
platform game with high doses of mystery
holotz-castle-data (1.3.10-1) [universe]
platform game with high doses of mystery - data files
holotz-castle-editor (1.3.10-1) [universe]
platform game with high doses of mystery - level editor
holotz-castle-milanb (0.0.20050210-1) [universe]
platform game with high doses of mystery - extra levels
hrd (0.1-3) [universe]

Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope parte en gran estilo

A diferencia de versiones anteriores en las cuàles primero estaba disponible para descargar la versiòn Ubuntu Desktop y despuès sucesivamente las restantes versione y derivadas esta vez Canonical no se ha ahorrado nada.

Para mañana jueves 23 de abril estaràn ya listas para descargar tambièn todas las restantes versiones estrechamente ligadas a Ubuntu Desktop.

La novedad màs representativa es Ubuntu Netbook Remix, una distribuciòn oficial Ubuntu producida por Canonical Ltd. en colaboraciòn con Moblin (Mobile Linux Internet Project) para PC portàtiles, optimizada para aquèllos que usan que usan procesadores Intel Atom.

Se basa en Ubuntu Desktop pero agrega un contenedor de ventanas y un lanzador de aplicaziones optimizado para portàtiles.

Ubuntu Server
Ubuntu Netbook Remix

Un hecho hasta ahora sin precedentes, ya que recordemos por ejemplo que con Intrepid Ibex y màs aùn con Hardy Heron las versiones definitivas de Xubuntu estuvieron listas para el download bastante tiempo despuès del lanzamiento oficial.

Veamos las noticias oficiales:

Ubuntu Desktop.
Canonical Announces Availability of Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition

LONDON, April 20, 2009 – Canonical, the commercial sponsor of Ubuntu, announced today that Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition is free to download from Thursday 23 April. Also announced were the simultaneous releases of Ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition and Ubuntu 9.04 Netbook Remix (UNR)

Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition delivers a range of feature enhancements to improve the user experience. Shorter boot speeds, some as short as 25 seconds, ensure faster access to a full computing environment on most desktop, laptop and netbook models. Enhanced suspend-and-resume features also give users more time between charges along with immediate access after hibernation. Intelligent switching between Wi-Fi and 3G environments has been broadened to support more wireless devices and 3G cards, resulting in a smoother experience for most users.

Jane Silber, COO, Canonical, says: “With every release, we see Ubuntu Desktop Edition make significant steps forward in appealing to mainstream computer users. With access to the latest office productivity suite, support for Skype and Adobe Flash, and faster boot times, we're confident that Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition will see more people join millions of others and make the switch to an open platform."

Ubuntu 9.04 features OpenOffice.org 3.0. This gives users a complete office suite that is entirely compatible with Microsoft Office. This free office software provides an immediate saving of at least $200 for users who need to create presentations, write documents or manage spreadsheets at work or at home.

A new integrated notification system appears in Ubuntu 9.04 for the first time. This system combines the notification methods of various applications and presents that information in a simple, unobtrusive manner. New icons and artwork also appear in this release, part of the continual improvement of the Ubuntu user experience.


Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition is available from 23 April 2009. Get your copy by:

Professional Services, including support, can be purchased from www.canonical.com/services.

Ubuntu Server.
Canonical Announces Availability of Ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition

LONDON, April 20, 2009 – Canonical, the sponsor of Ubuntu, announced today that Ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition is available to download from Thursday 23 April. Canonical offers assessment, deployment, migration, training and support services to ensure that companies can make the most of the cost-effective, powerful and reliable Ubuntu Server Edition platform.

Ubuntu Server Edition enables businesses to deploy and manage their common workloads – web, print, file, database and mail servers – more efficiently. Ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition integrates the latest, stable Open Source applications from across the community, packaged and ready for users to deploy. New enhancements include improved virtualization with the latest KVM features, clustering support in Samba file server and easier mail server setup with out-of-the-box Dovecot-Postfix integration.

Canonical has also worked to extend the range of enabled servers for Ubuntu 9.04, with 45 of the most popular mid-range servers from IBM, Dell and Sun and HP tested in the Canonical labs.

In addition, Ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition will preview Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC). Ubuntu is the first commercially-supported distribution to enable businesses to build cloud environments inside their firewalls. With Ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition, organisations can explore the benefits of cloud computing without the data or security issues associated with moving data to an external cloud provider. Following a successful beta programme last year, Ubuntu Server Edition 9.04 will also be fully available on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

“Our ongoing commitment to increase productivity and efficiency savings with every release has seen more and more organisations deploying common workloads on Ubuntu-based server environments,” says Jane Silber, COO, Canonical. “We make it easier for companies to run larger systems more efficiently, a key benefit in financially-challenging times. Backed up by a full range of professional services, including support from Canonical, larger businesses will find Ubuntu Server Edition 9.04 to be the most cost-effective, easy-to-deploy server platform for their production environments."

About 9.04 Ubuntu Server Edition

Ubuntu Server includes a range of new and updated features to boost efficiencies for system administrators running large systems in production environments.

New fully supported features:

  • Extended hardware compatibility ensures easier deployment for users

  • Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) can now pre-install their own default first-boot configuration of Ubuntu Server Edition and replicate it across all their Ubuntu servers

  • Ubuntu Server on Amazon EC2 helps businesses to deploy services to external clouds

  • Virtualization updates, including support for nested virtualization, further improve infrastructure management efficiencies

  • New mail server features include shared user authentication and enhanced spam protection

  • Samba 3.3 provides extended cluster support for file serving and integrates with the latest Microsoft systems

  • Enhanced integration between OpenChange and Microsoft Exchange encourages interoperability

  • Suspend-and-Resume features deliver power-management improvements

  • Security enhancements with Apparmor offer greater peace of mind


  • The Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud uses an open source system known as Eucalyptus to enable a company to test, deploy and experiment with their own private, in-house cloud that matches the Amazon EC2 API

  • Advanced Message Queue Protocol (AMQP) support brings the emerging standard for high-performance enterprise messaging to Ubuntu users through Rabbit MQ

  • MySQL 5.1 is the latest release of the world's most popular Open Source database server. Upgrade from the fully-supported 5.0 to 5.1 is possible now


Ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition is available from 23 April 2009. It can be accessed in a number of ways:

Professional Services, including support, can be also be purchased from www.canonical.com/services.

Ubuntu Netbook Remix.

LONDON, April 20, 2009 – Canonical, the commercial sponsor of Ubuntu, announced today that Ubuntu 9.04 Netbook Remix is free to download from Thursday 23 April. Also announced were the simultaneous releases of Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition and Ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition.

Ubuntu 9.04 Netbook Remix comes with faster boot speeds, and with a built-for-purpose interface that means that favourite applications and websites are just a click away. Ubuntu Netbook Remix makes a great choice for netbook users.

Jane Silber, COO, Canonical, says: “The latest feature enhancements in Ubuntu 9.04 Netbook Remix are particularly well suited to the requirements of netbook fans. Faster boot speeds, enhanced power-management features and easier switching between networks delivers the best netbook end-user experience available for download today.”

For the first time, users can download the complete Ubuntu Netbook Remix to a USB flash drive directly from Ubuntu.com. Users can then install and run Ubuntu Netbook Remix on a wide range of the most popular netbook machines available in the market today.

Ubuntu 9.04 Netbook Remix has been fully tested for use on a range of netbook models including:

  • Acer Aspire One

  • Asus eee PC 1000

  • Dell Mini 9

Ubuntu Netbook Remix offers an enhanced user experience with more intuitive icons, consistent notifications across applications and numerous design changes that give the product more visual appeal.

Software Packages incluìdos en Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope, secciòn Juegos, segunda parte

Lo que sigue es la segunda parte de la lista completa y definitiva (extraìda de los repositorios oficiales de Ubuntu) de los juegos incluìdos en la nueva versiòn 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope con un breve comentario de cada uno:
dangen (0.3-2) [universe]
shoot 'em up game where accurate shooting matters
dds (1.1.9+ddd105-2build1) [universe]
bridge double dummy solver - frontend
deal (3.1.4-1) [universe]
bridge hand generator
dealer (0.20040530-3) [universe]
bridge hand generator
defendguin (0.0.11-5) [universe]
defender clone with penguins
defendguin-data (0.0.11-5) [universe]
Data files for defendguin
desmume (0.9.1-1) [universe]
Nintendo DS emulator
deutex (4.4.902-10) [universe]
composition tool for doom-style WAD files
dodgindiamond2 (0.2.2-1) [universe]
Little shoot-'em-up arcade game for one or two players
donkey-bolonkey (2001-5.1) [universe]
Game where you rescue donkeys
Doom 3 videojuego de acción en primera persona, remake del Doom original

Doom3 es un videojuego de acción en primera persona desarrollado por id Software y publicado por Activision. Existen versiones para Windows, Linux, Mac y para la consola Xbox (desarrollado por Vicarious Visions).

Doom 3 no es una continuación de la serie, si no más bien un remake del Doom original. El juego tiene lugar en el año 2145, en el centro de investigación de la Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC), en Marte y pese a que la base argumental de la historia es la misma, se desarrolla de forma distinta.

Un ejemplo de ello es que en el DOOM original el protagonista entra en la base marciana ya invadida por huestes infernales y en el DOOM 3 ve como los demonios la invaden.

Su expansión, Resurrection of Evil, fue anunciada el 25 de octubre de 2004 y es desarrollada por id Software y Nerve Software. Incluye una campaña completa para un solo jugador al igual que mapas nuevos para multijugador que admiten hasta 8 jugadores.

Ficha completa e instrucciones para la descarga en esta página
dopewars (1.5.12-7) [universe]
Make a fortune dealing drugs on the streets of New York
dopewars-data (1.5.12-7) [universe]
Make a fortune dealing drugs on the streets of New York
dossizola (1.0-8.2) [universe]
An Isola board game with nice graphics
dossizola-data (1.0-8.2) [universe]
Data files for Do'SSi Zo'la game
dreamchess (0.2.0-1) [universe]
a 3D chess game
dreamchess-data (0.2.0-1) [universe]
a 3D chess game
droidbattles (1.0.6-6) [universe]
A game of programming battle droids
dvorak7min (1.6.1-10) [universe]
Typing tutor for dvorak keyboards
eboard (1.1.1-4) [universe]
GTK+ chessboard program
eboard-extras-pack1 (2-2) [universe]
additional piece sets and sounds for eboard (pack 1)
efp (1.4-2) [universe]
Escape from Pong NES game
egoboo (2.22-31) [universe]
3D dungeon crawling adventure in the spirit of NetHack
egoboo-data (2.220-3) [universe]
Egoboo data files
Einstein, el rompecabezas del cientìfico genial, juego de lógica pura remake de los antiguos juegos de DOS Sherlock.

Todos saben quièn era Albert Einstein, pero tal vez pocos saben que uno de sus pasatiempos favoritos eran los rompecabezas.

Rompecabezas de lògica pura obviamente, no rompecabezas de paisajes, animales, etc.

Este puzzle es un remake de los antiguos juegos de DOS Sherlock, que fue inspirado por Albert Einstein del rompecabezas.

Por supuesto que Einstein no hizo el programa que ahora presentamos para Linux. Quièn se tomò ese trabajo es el autor de Flowix Games.

Ficha completa e instrucciones para la descarga en esta página

emacs-chess (2.0b5-3) [universe]
a client and library for playing Chess from Emacs
emacs-chess-pieces (2.0b5-3) [universe]
XPM images of chess pieces for emacs-chess
empire (1.7-3) [universe]
the war game of the century
empire-hub ( [universe]
Empire protocol multiplexer
empire-lafe (1.0-0.1) [universe]
Fast line-mode Empire client
enemylines3 (1.2-5) [universe]
semi-abstract first person 3d-shooter game
enemylines7 (0.6-3) [universe]
first person 3d-shooter game
enigma (1.01-3ubuntu1) [universe]
A game where you control a marble with the mouse
enigma-data (1.01-3ubuntu1) [universe]
Data file for the game enigma
enigma-level-previews (1.01-1) [universe]
Pregenerated level previews for Enigma
epiphany (0.7.0-2) [universe]
clone of Boulder Dash game
epiphany-data (0.7.0-2) [universe]
required maps for epiphany game
etoys (3.0.1916+svn132-2) [multiverse]
A media-rich model, simulation construction kit and authoring tool
etw (3.2+svn125-1) [universe]
arcade-style soccer game
etw-data (3.2+svn125-1) [universe]
graphics and audio data for etw
extremetuxracer (0.4-1ubuntu1) [universe]
3D racing game featuring Tux, the Linux penguin
extremetuxracer-data (0.4-1ubuntu1) [universe]
data files for the game PlanetPenguin Racer
extremetuxracer-dbg (0.4-1ubuntu1) [universe]
3D racing game featuring Tux, the Linux penguin (debugging symbols)
extremetuxracer-gimp-dev (0.4-1ubuntu1) [universe]
plugins for GIMP for easy development of ppracer courses
exult (1.2-13) [multiverse]
engine for Ultima VII (BG, FOV, SI, SS)
exult-studio (1.2-13) [multiverse]
tools for editing and viewing exult games
fb-music-high (0.1.2) [universe]
High quality, large music files for Frozen-Bubble
fb-music-low (2.2.0-1ubuntu1) [universe]
Lower quality, small music files for Frozen-Bubble
fceu (0.98.12-3) [universe]
FCE Ultra - a nintendo (8-bit) emulator
fceu-server (0.0.5-0ubuntu2) [universe]
Server for the FCE Ultra NES emulator
fgfs-atlas (0.3.1-1) [universe]
Flight Gear Map Viewer
fgfs-base (1.0.0-2) [universe]
Flight Gear Flight Simulator -- base files
filler (1.02-6) [universe]
simple game where two players try to capture half the board
fillets-ng (0.8.0-2) [universe]
puzzle game about witty fish saving the world sokoban-style
fillets-ng-data (0.8.0-1) [universe]
docs, graphics, music and international sounds for fillets-ng
fillets-ng-data-cs (0.8.0-1) [universe]
add-on sounds for czech language spoken dialogs for fillets-ng
filters (2.46) [universe]
a collection of filters, including B1FF and the Swedish Chef
fkiss (0.35-1) [universe]
Implementation of KISekae Set System (KISS) for the X Window System
flight-of-the-amazon-queen (1.0.0-5ubuntu2) [universe]
a fantasy adventure game
flightgear (1.0.0-3ubuntu1) [universe]
Flight Gear Flight Simulator
floater (1.4.15-1) [universe]
Free Internet bridge client
flobopuyo (0.20-3.1) [universe]
Clone of the PuyoPuyo game
fltk1.1-games (1.1.9-6) [universe]
Fast Light Toolkit - example games: checkers, sudoku
flying (6.20-6) [universe]
pool/snooker/carrom/hockey/curling simulator for X11
foobillard (3.0a-3ubuntu1) [universe]
a 3D billiards game using OpenGL
fortune-mod (1:1.99.1-3.1ubuntu3)
provides fortune cookies on demand
fortune-zh (1.6) [universe]
Chinese Data files for fortune
fortunes (1:1.99.1-3.1ubuntu3) [universe]
Data files containing fortune cookies
fortunes-bg (1.1) [universe]
Bulgarian data files for fortune
fortunes-bofh-excuses (1.2-1) [universe]
BOFH excuses for fortune
fortunes-br (20080530) [universe]
Data files with fortune cookies in Portuguese
fortunes-cs (2.0-1) [universe]
Czech and Slovak data files for fortune
fortunes-de (0.26-1) [universe]
German data files for fortune
fortunes-debian-hints (1.92) [universe]
Debian Hints for fortune
fortunes-eo (20020729-4) [universe]
Collection of esperanto fortunes.
fortunes-eo-ascii (20020729-4) [universe]
Collection of esperanto fortunes (ascii encoding).
fortunes-eo-iso3 (20020729-4) [universe]
Collection of esperanto fortunes (ISO3 encoding).
fortunes-es (1.30) [universe]
Spanish fortune database
fortunes-es-off (1.30) [universe]
Spanish fortune cookies (Offensive section)
fortunes-fr (0.65) [universe]
French fortunes cookies
fortunes-ga (0.7) [universe]
Irish (Gaelige) data files for fortune
fortunes-it (1.99-3) [universe]
Data files containing Italian fortune cookies
fortunes-it-off (1.99-3) [universe]
Data files containing Italian fortune cookies, offensive section
fortunes-mario (0.20-7) [universe]
Fortunes files from Mario
fortunes-min (1:1.99.1-3.1ubuntu3)
Data files containing fortune cookies
fortunes-off (1:1.99.1-3.1ubuntu3) [universe]
Data files containing offensive fortune cookies
fortunes-pl (0.0.20071015-1) [universe]
Polish data files for fortune
fortunes-ru (1.52-1) [universe]
Russian data files for fortune
fortunes-spam (1.2-1) [universe]
fortunes taken from SPAM messages
freealchemist (0.4-3) [universe]
simpler figure block game
freecell-solver-bin (2.8.10-1) [universe]
Library for solving Freecell games
FreeCiv es un clon de dominio publico del famoso juego de Sid Meier's Civilisation, uno de los mayores proyectos de juegos para Unix.

FreeCiv es (como su propio nombre indica) una versión de código libre de Civ, Civ II, Civ Net, la famosa serie, creada por Sid Meier en Microprose.

Actualmente, FreeCiv se parece a Civ I (aunque los gráficos son mejores), sigue la mayoría de las reglas de Civ II (aunque se han hecho modificaciones donde se ha considerado necesario) y permite (desde luego) jugar en red.

Resumiendo, el objetivo de los jugadores es conducir a su nación desde una tribu de trashumantes hasta una poderosa civilización fundando ciudades, transformando el paisaje, investigando, comerciando o luchando contra otras civilizaciones.

Bueno, siendo honesto, la única meta es eliminar a todos los contrincantes "unificando" así el mundo.

Las unidades terrestres, aéreas o marítimas son las encargadas de luchar, comerciar o transformar el paisaje.

Ficha completa e instrucciones para la descarga en esta página
freecol (0.7.4.dfsg+1-1ubuntu1) [universe]
an open version of Colonization
freedink (1.08.20080920.dfsg-1) [universe]
adventure and role-playing game
freedink-data (1.08.20080920-1) [universe]
adventure and role-playing game (game data)
freedink-dfarc (3.2.1-1) [universe]
frontend and .dmod installer for GNU FreeDink
freedink-dfarc-dbg (3.2.1-1) [universe]
debugging symbols for dfarc
freedink-engine (1.08.20080920.dfsg-1) [universe]
adventure and role-playing game (engine)
freedink-engine-dbg (1.08.20080920.dfsg-1) [universe]
debugging symbols for freedink
freedm (0.6.2-1) [universe]
multiplayer-oriented maps for Doom
freedoom (0.6.2-1) [universe]
free game files for the 3D game DOOM
freedroid (1.0.2+cvs040112-1.1ubuntu1) [universe]
A clone of Paradroid - a strategic shoot-em up
freedroid-data (1.0.2+cvs040112-1.1ubuntu1) [universe]
Data files for freedroid - a strategic shoot-em up
freedroidrpg (0.11.1-1) [universe]
An isometric RPG influenced by Paradroid
freedroidrpg-data (0.11.1-1) [universe]
Data files for freedroidrpg
freesci (0.3.5-8) [universe]
a portable interpreter for SCI games like Space Quest 3
freesweep (0.90-2) [universe]
text-based minesweeper
freetennis (0.4.8-5) [universe]
Free Tennis - simulation game
freetennis-common (0.4.8-5) [universe]
Free Tennis - simulation game
freevial (1.3-1) [universe]
trivia platform for community events
fretsonfire (1.2.512.dfsg-3) [universe]
game of musical skill and fast fingers
fretsonfire-game (1.2.512.dfsg-3) [universe]
game of musical skill and fast fingers - Game files
fretsonfire-songs-sectoid (1.dfsg-2) [universe]
game of musical skill and fast fingers - Songs Package
frotz (2.43-2) [universe]
interpreter of Z-code story-files
frozen-bubble (2.2.0-1ubuntu1) [universe]
Pop out the bubbles!
frozen-bubble-data (2.2.0-1ubuntu1) [universe]
Data files for Frozen-Bubble
fruit (2.1.dfsg-3) [universe]
chess engine, to calculate chess moves
funguloids (1.06-7) [multiverse]
space-flying-mushroom-picking-simulator game
funnyboat (1.5-6) [universe]
a side scrolling arcade shooter game on a steamboat

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