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Ubuntu publica la primera versión beta de Lucid Lynx

A poco más de un mes de la versión definitiva 10.04 Ubuntu publica la primera versión beta de Lucid Lynx.

Con la publicación de la primera beta de Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx se entra, en efecto, en el período final del ciclo de desarrollo de la popular distribución Linux.

La versión definitiva està prevista para el 29 de aprile y desde ahora hasta esa fecha las únicas modificaciones a los paquetes permitidas serán, como de costumbre, las correcciones a eventuales "bugs" que han escapado al control de las anteriores versiones alpha.

El anuncio oficial:
10.04 LTS (Long-Term Support) Desktop, Server, and Netbook editions and of
Ubuntu 10.04 Server for Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC) and Amazon's EC2.
Codenamed "Lucid Lynx", 10.04 LTS continues Ubuntu's proud tradition of
integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a
high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution.

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Desktop and Netbook Editions continue the trend of ever-faster boot speeds, with improved startup times and a streamlined,
smoother boot experience.

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server Edition provides even better integration of the Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud, with its install-time cloud setup.

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server for UEC and EC2 brings the power and stability of the Ubuntu Server Edition to cloud computing, whether you're using Amazon
EC2 or your own Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud.

The Ubuntu 10.04 family of variants, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, and Mythbuntu, also reach beta status today.

Desktop features.

Social from the start: We now feature built-in integration with Twitter,
identi.ca, Facebook, and other social networks with the MeMenu in the panel.

New Design: Cleaner and faster boot, new notification area, new themes, new
icons, and new wallpaper bring a dramatically updated look and feel to

Ubuntu One: Choose any folder in your home directory to sync, choose from
millions of songs for purchase in the Ubuntu One Music store.

Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta1 for details.
The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the first beta release of Ubuntu

Server features.

Cloud computing: The Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud installer has been vastly
improved in order to support alternative installation topologies. UEC
components are now automatically discovered and registered, even with
complex topologies. Finally, UEC is now powered by Eucalyptus 1.6.2

UEC and EC2: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS continues the tradition of official Ubuntu
Server image releases for UEC and for Amazon's EC2, giving you everything
you need for rapid deployment of Ubuntu instances in a cloud computing
environment. UEC images, and information on running Ubuntu 10.04 on EC2, are
available at:


Stability and security: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS brings many improvements over
Ubuntu 8.04 LTS to keep your servers safe and secure for the next five
years, including AppArmor profiles for many key services, kernel hardening,
and an easy-to-configure firewall.

Ubuntu Netbook features.

Ubuntu Netbook Edition is optimised to run on Intel atom based netbooks. It
includes a new consumer-friendly interface that allows users to quickly and
easily get on-line and use their favourite applications. This interface is
optimised for a retail sales environment.

It includes the same faster boot times and improved boot experience as
Ubuntu desktop.

Kubuntu features.

Kubuntu 10.04 LTS will be the first LTS to feature KDE 4 Platform and
Applications. KDE 4 has come a long way since its early releases and is now
suitable for the high demands of LTS users. Being an LTS we have focused on
bug fixing and stability for this release, but we did find time to add
features such as touchpad configuration, Firefox KDE integration, Kubuntu
notification improvements, and cross-desktop systray menu standardisation.
Kubuntu features the Plasma Desktop while Kubuntu Netbook Remix comes out of
preview status with the Plasma Netbook workspace.

See https://wiki.kubuntu.org/LucidLynx/Beta1/Kubuntu for more details.

Edubuntu features.

Edubuntu in Lucid features a more complete live environment containing more
software from universe and all existing language packs as well as our usual
educational software in their current version. For Lucid the text installer
has been removed and so is LTSP for the time being. We expect to have LTSP
back on the DVD for the next beta. The DVD is then much smaller than it used
to be but will still provide a complete education environment based on
Ubuntu Lucid.

Also included on the Edubuntu DVD is a small repository containing the
required packages to transform the regular Edubuntu desktop into a LTSP
server or install the Netbook edition interface.

Mythbuntu features.

Mythbuntu 10.04 introduces MythTV 0.23. This new version is significantly
faster and should feel more responsive and stable than older versions. It
also integrates better into the OS with better support for things like
ConsoleKit and Upstart.

Please see http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Release_Notes_-_0.23 for more details
about changes introduced in 0.23.

See http://mythbuntu.org/10.04/beta for information about the Mythbuntu
beta release.


* On the Desktop: GNOME 2.30, KDE SC 4.4, XFCE 4.6.1, OpenOffice.org 3.2.0,
X.Org server 1.7.5

* On the Server: Apache 2.2, PostgreSQL 8.4, PHP 5.3.1, LTSP 5.2

* "Under the hood": GCC 4.4.3, eglibc 2.11, Linux, Python 2.6.5

The full release notes can be found at

About Ubuntu.

Ubuntu is a full-featured Linux distribution for desktops, laptops, and
servers, with a fast and easy installation and regular releases. A
tightly-integrated selection of excellent applications is included, and an
incredible variety of add-on software is just a few clicks away.

Professional technical support is available from Canonical Limited and
hundreds of other companies around the world. For more information about
support, visit http://www.ubuntu.com/support

To Get Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Beta 1.

To upgrade to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Beta 1 from Ubuntu 9.10 or Ubuntu 8.04 LTS,
follow these instructions:


Or, download Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Beta 1 here (choose the mirror closest to


* http://ubuntu.saix.net/ubuntu-releases/10.04 (South Africa)


* http://mirror.rootguide.org/ubuntu-releases/10.04 (China)
* http://ubuntutym2.u-toyama.ac.jp/ubuntu/10.04 (Japan)
* http://mirror.khlug.org/ubuntu-releases/10.04 (Korea, Republic of)
* http://ubuntu.qualitynet.net/releases/10.04 (Kuwait)
* http://ftp.mtu.ru/pub/ubuntu/releases/10.04 (Russian Federation)
* http://tw.releases.ubuntu.com/10.04 (Taiwan)
* http://ftp.linux.org.tr/ubuntu-releases/10.04 (Turkey)


* http://ubuntu.linuxbe.com/10.04 (Belgium)
* http://ubuntu.ipacct.com/releases/10.04 (Bulgaria)
* http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/10.04 (Croatia)
* http://releases.ubuntu.mirror.dkm.cz/releases/10.04 (Czech Republic)
* http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/ubuntu-cd/10.04 (Denmark)
* http://ftp.estpak.ee/pub/ubuntu-releases/10.04 (Estonia)
* http://ubuntu.trumpetti.atm.tut.fi/releases/10.04 (Finland)
* http://ftp.oleane.net/ubuntu-cd/10.04 (France)
* http://ubuntu.mirror.tudos.de/ubuntu-releases/10.04 (Germany)
* http://speglar.simnet.is/ubuntu-releases/10.04 (Iceland)
* http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/ubuntu-releases/10.04 (Ireland)
* http://releases.ubuntu.fastbull.org/ubuntu-releases/10.04 (Italy)
* http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04 (Netherlands)
* http://no.releases.ubuntu.com/10.04 (Norway)
* http://cesium.di.uminho.pt/pub/ubuntu/10.04 (Portugal)
* http://rs.releases.ubuntu.com/10.04 (Serbia)
* http://ubuntu.cica.es/releases/10.04 (Spain)
* http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/10.04 (Sweden)

North America:

* http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/ubuntu-releases/10.04 (Canada)
* http://mirror.pnl.gov/releases/10.04 (United States)
* http://mirror.yellowfiber.net/ubuntu/10.04 (United States)
* http://mirrors.ccs.neu.edu/releases.ubuntu.com/10.04 (United States)
* http://mirrors.gigenet.com/ubuntu/10.04 (United States)

South America:

* http://ubuntu-cd.innova-red.net/10.04 (Argentina)
* http://mirror.pop-sc.rnp.br/mirror/ubuntu/10.04 (Brazil)
* http://ubuntu.c3sl.ufpr.br/releases/10.04 (Brazil)

Rest of the world:

http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04 (Great Britain)

Please download using Bittorrent if possible.

The final version of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is expected to be released in April

Feedback and Participation

If you would like to help shape Ubuntu, take a look at the list of ways you
can participate at


Your comments, bug reports, patches and suggestions will help turn this
Beta into the best release of Ubuntu ever. Please note that, where
possible, we prefer that bugs be reported using the tools provided, rather
than by visiting Launchpad directly. Instructions can be found at


If you have a question, or if you think you may have found a bug but are not
sure, first try asking on the #ubuntu IRC channel on FreeNode, on the Ubuntu
Users mailing list, or on the Ubuntu forums:


More Information

You can find out more about Ubuntu and about this preview release on our
website, IRC channel and wiki. If you are new to Ubuntu, please visit:


To sign up for future Ubuntu announcements, please subscribe to Ubuntu's
very low volume announcement list at:


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Video Disk Recorder (VDR) aplicación para Linux que funziona como un Grabador de Vídeo Personal

VDR es una aplicación para Linux de software libre bajo licencia GPL diseñada para permitir que cualquier computadora (que cumpla unos requisitos mínimos) funcione como un Grabador de Vídeo Personal (que en inglés suelen ser llamados PVR: Personal Video Recorder o también DVR:Digital Video Recorder).

Esta es la introducción de su propio sitio Web:

..."con la disponibilidad de codificadores y decodificadores MPEG y de discos duros de alta capacidad, me viene a la mente la idea de crear un completo Grabador de Vídeo Personal.

Hay varios productos comerciales en el mercado que implementan esta funcionalidad. Algunos de ellos se enfocan en trabajar junto con un servicio ofrecido por el fabricante, que ofrece al usuario estrategias personalizadas de grabación - y que a veces están disponibles bajo un coste adicional.

La desventaja de estos sistemas es que normalmente carecen de técnicas de programación de las grabaciones, y la tendencia de los fabricantes es implementar nuevos métodos para imponer la publicidad (dado que de otra forma sería muy fácil saltarse los anuncios comerciales). Además tampoco soportan, lo que por otro lado es natural, la edición en disco, y no suelen dejar acceder a los datos que se han grabado (por ejemplo para hacer copias de seguridad).

VDR permite crear un sistema de grabación y programaciones basado en una computadora (PC) junto con Linux. El proyecto describe como crearte tu propio receptor digital (de satélite o de TDT) y crear el sistema de grabación de video. Inicialmente estaba basado principalmente en tarjetas receptoras DVB-S de un único fabricante, pero hoy en día se soportan muchas otras e incluso de otro tipo (como DVB-T, etc.), en general para todas aquellas para las que exista un driver desarrollado por el proyecto LinuxTV.



AC3 bitstreamout Werner Finkbitstreamout.sourceforge.net
Activy300 LCD Helmut Auerwww.htpc-forum.de/index.php?url=downloads.php
Actuator Luca Olivettiwww.ventoso.org/luca/vdr
Admin Helmut Auerwww.htpc-forum.de/index.php?url=downloads.php
Analog TV Andreas Koolwww.akool.de/vdr
Audio CD Alexander Löhrmail.pad.zuken.de/~alex/vdr (broken 2006-05-01)
Autotimer Edit Hardy Florwww.fast-info.de/vdr/autotimeredit
Beep Andreas Bracholdwww.deltab.de/vdr/beep.html
Calendar Jan Riegerricomp.de/vdr
Camcorder Erich Bachlhome.vr-web.de/~erich.bachl
Channel Manager Giancarlo Rinaldowww.messinalug.org/vdr-chanman
Channelscan Alberto Pacherawww.kikko77.altervista.org
Clock display Mario Aistleitnervdr.humpen.at
Commander Gerald Berwolfwww.vdrportal.de (broken 2006-05-01)
Console Jan Riegerricomp.de/vdr
Control Jan Riegerricomp.de/vdr
Cut-a-lot Marius Heidensteckervdr-portal.de/board/thread.php?threadid=54603
DVB Subtitles Pekka Virtanenvirtanen.org/vdr/subtitles
DVD Player Marco Schlüßlersourceforge.net/projects/dvdplugin
DXR3 Device Christian Gmeiner, Ville Skyttä et alsourceforge.net/projects/dxr3plugin
Digicam Peter Juszackturku.wi-bw.tfh-wildau.de/~pjuszack/digicam
Dvdselect Torsten Kunkelvdr.sjur.de (broken 2006-05-01)
Email reader Peter Seyringerwww.dapeace.de/vdr-mail.htm (broken 2006-05-01)
EnigmaNG Skin Andreas Mairandreas.vdr-developer.org/enigmang
EPG-Search Christian Wieningerwinni.vdr-developer.org/epgsearch/
EPG-Sync Frank Schmirlervdr.schmirler.de
Extb Andreas Bracholdwww.deltab.de/vdr/extb.html
ExtRecMenu Martin Prochnowmartins-kabuff.de/extrecmenu_en.html
Femon Rolf Ahrenbergwww.saunalahti.fi/~rahrenbe/vdr/femon
File browser Holger Brunnwww.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~uqg8/vdr/filebrowser
Freecell Sascha Volkenandtlinux.kompiliert.net/index.php?view=freecell
Games Clemens Kirchgatterer1541.org
GraphTFT Lars Tegelerwww-math.upb.de/~tegeler/vdr/graphtft
Graphic LCD Andreas Regelwww.powarman.de
Iax phone Luca Olivettiwww.ventoso.org/luca/vdr
Image Viewer Andreas Bracholdvdr-image.berlios.de
iPod Jörg Wendelwww.jwendel.de
Joystick Remote Andreas Regelwww.powarman.de/vdr_plugins.htm
Kathrein LCD Sascha Volkenandtlinux.kompiliert.net/index.php?view=kathrein
LCDproc Martin Hammerschmidhome.pages.at/linux/dvb.html
Least Cost RoutingChristian Leuschenlcr.vdr-developer.org
LoadEPG Luca De Pieriwww.kikko77.altervista.org
MHP Andreas Regelwww.powarman.de/vdr_plugins.htm
MP3/MPlayer Stefan Huelswittwww.muempf.de
MP3OSS Gunnar Rothhome.pages.at/garvdr
Mailbox Alexander Riegeralex.vdr-developer.org/mailbox
Media detection Sascha Volkenandtlinux.kompiliert.net/index.php?view=vdrcd
MediaMVP Dominic Morriswww.rst38.org.uk/mediamvp
Message Viewer Gerhard Steinerwww.vdrportal.de/board/thread.php?threadid=15292
Mlist Joachim Wilkejoachim-wilke.de/vdr-mlist.htm
Mplayer Cluster Sascha Volkenandt linux.kompiliert.net/index.php?view=mplayer
Muggle Lars von Wedel www.htpc-tech.de/htpc/vdr/muggle
Multitainer LCD Meinrad Sauterhome.arcor.de/meinrad
Newsticker Emanuel Wontorrawww.wontorra.net/staticpages/index.php?page=newsticker
OSD Teletext Marcel Wieswegwww.wiesweg-online.de/linux
PhotoCD Thomas Heiligenmannwww.heiligenmann.de/download
Picture-in-PictureSascha Volkenandtlinux.kompiliert.net/index.php?view=osdpip
Pilot Olivier Jacquesfamillejacques.free.fr/vdr/pilot
Pilot skin Christophe Nouhetvdrwiki.free.fr/vdr/pilotskin
PIM Achim Tuffentsammerpim.vdr-developer.org
PIN Jörg Wendelwww.jwendel.de
Powermate Andreas Regelwww.powarman.de/vdr_plugins.htm
Prefermenu Maxime Guilbot, Olivier Jacqueswww.olivierjacques.com/vdr/prefermenu
Proxy Udo Richterurichter.cjb.net/vdr/?h=proxy
PVR input Andreas Regelhome.arcor.de/andreas.regel/files/pvrinput
Recording status Mike Constabelwww.constabel.net/vdr/plugins.en.htm
Relay Marko Mäkeläwww.ktverkko.fi/~msmakela/software/vdr/#relay
Remote control Oliver Endrisswww.escape-edv.de/endriss/vdr
Remote OSD Frank Schmirlervdr.schmirler.de
Rotor Thomas Bergwinklhome.vr-web.de/~bergwinkl.thomas
RSS reader Rolf Ahrenbergwww.saunalahti.fi/~rahrenbe/vdr/rssreader
S/VCD Thomas Heiligenmannwww.heiligenmann.de/download
Save channel Luca Olivettiwww.ventoso.org/luca/vdr
Screenshot Joachim Wilkejoachim-wilke.de/vdr.html
Serial Ralf Klueberwww.lf-klueber.de/vdr.htm
Sleep Timer Thomas Kochlinvdr.org/download/vdr-sleeptimer
Softdevice Roland Pramlsoftdevice.berlios.de
Solitaire Patrick Maierwww.djdagobert.com/vdr/solitaire
Soppalusikka skin Rolf Ahrenbergwww.saunalahti.fi/~rahrenbe/vdr/soppalusikka
Spectrum analyzer Christian Leuschenlcr.vdr-developer.org
Spider Arachnid Thomas Güntherwww.toms-cafe.de/vdr/spider
Statusleds Bernd Jurascheksourceforge.net/projects/vdr-statusleds
Streaming Sascha Volkenandtlinux.kompiliert.net/index.php?view=stream
Sudoku Thomas Güntherwww.toms-cafe.de/vdr/sudoku
SVDRP Service Frank Schmirlervdr.schmirler.de
Sysinfo Alberto Pacherawww.kikko77.altervista.org
Taste Sascha Volkenandtlinux.kompiliert.net/index.php?view=taste
Teletext Peter Seyringer www.dapeace.de/teletext.htm
Teletext SubtitlesRagnar Sundbladftp.nada.kth.se/pub/home/ragge/vdr
Text2Skin Sascha Volkenandtlinux.kompiliert.net/index.php?view=text2skin
Tic Tac Toe Marcel Wieswegwww.wiesweg-online.de/linux
Timeline Jürgen Schmitzwww.js-home.org/vdr/timeline
Transfron Daniel Peeswww.peess.de/projects/transfron/transfron_plugin-eng.html
TV Onscreen Jürgen Schmitzwww.js-home.org/vdr/tvonscreen
TVTV interface Gerald Berwolfwww.vdrportal.de (broken 2006-05-01)
Undelete Hardy Florwww.fast-info.de/vdr/undelete
VBox Gunnar Rothmembers.fortunecity.de/rar2000
Vdrrip Herbert Attenbergerwww.a-land.de
VIDEGOR Thomas Fuhrmann et alwww.videgor.net
VOD Olivier Jacquesfamillejacques.free.fr/vdr/vod
WAP Daemon Thomas Heiligenmannvdr.heiligenmann.de/download
Weather Steffen Moldanerwww.moldaner.de/vdr
Web Browser Marcel Schaebenwww.schaeben.info/vdr
X11out Jürgen Schmitzwww.js-home.org/vdr/x11out
Xine Device Reinhard Nisslhome.vr-web.de/~rnissl
Xinelibout Petri Hintukainenwww.hut.fi/u/phintuka/vdr
Xv-Xine Mike Pieperhome.vr-web.de/~rnissl/Mike Pieper

fuente: Wikipedia & VDR

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