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5 sitios para hospedar gratis tus imàgenes

Girando por la blogosfera encontrè en WebUpon este interesante artìculo donde se hace menciòn a 5 sitios para hospedar imàgenes, con defectos y virtudes de cada uno.

Tal vez no son tan potentes y conocidos como Flickr pero cada uno tiene lo suyo para contar ademàs de ser gratuitos.

Imageshack | 7.3/10

Personally, I really don't like this site. Uploading a 71kb pictures can take more then 15 minutes and some computers have problems showing images from this site. I don't recommend using this site.

Tiny Pic | 8.8/10

I love this site. so self-explaining and easy to use. Image formats supported are JPG, PNG, GIF and TIF and the size limit is 250Kb. Images bigger than that automatically get re sized. Tinypic is part of photobucket image hosting. Upload is fast and simple and all you need to do is to browse for your chosen image or video and you can optionally give it a title.

Photobucket | 8.7/10

The thoughts about Photobucket are very different everywhere. Some people love it, some don't. The most common complaint about this site is that people's images suddenly get removed, without knowing. My suggestion is: Try it out, but make always a back-up from the images you upload there.

XS | 9.4/10

This is a superb site which has proved 100% reliable service for me. I have been using it for posting pics to forums and my own website. I only had one problem so far,but it was was resolved almost immediately.

Imagehost | 8.9/10

Image Host is a free image hosting service and file host for use on forums, blogs or personal websites. Registration isn't required, and hot-linking images is allowed for the formats: JPG, GIF, PNG, SWF up to 1 MB, and FLV up to 10 MB.

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