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a través de Distrowatch:
Sean Davis ha anunciado el lanzamiento de Xubuntu 22.10, que recibirá nueve meses de actualizaciones de seguridad y soporte. La nueva versión ofrece la versión 4.17 del escritorio Xfce. Xubuntu 22.10, con las últimas actualizaciones de Xfce 4.17, GNOME 43 y MATE 1.26. Xubuntu 22.10 presenta las últimas actualizaciones de Xfce 4.17, GNOME 43 y MATE 1.26. Los componentes de 'vanguardia' Xfce 4.17 se incluyen como una vista previa temprana del próximo Xfce 4.18, que se espera para finales de este año. Descubrirá que Xfce 4.17 incluye muchas funciones nuevas y mejoras de usabilidad al usar Xubuntu 22.10. Si bien hemos probado cada componente enviado en Xubuntu, se esperan nuevos errores y regresiones. Por favor, asegúrese de informar cualquier error que encuentre. ”El anuncio de lanzamiento del proyectotambién destaca las mejoras en el administrador de archivos Thunar, el editor de texto Mousepad y el complemento Xfce PulseAudio. Se puede encontrar información adicional en las notas de lanzamiento de la distribución . Descargar : xubuntu-22.10-desktop-amd64.iso (2846 MB, SHA256 , firma , torrent , pkglist ).
Puntualmente y con la regularidad y precisión que las caracteriza Canonical ha publicado la nueva versión de Ubuntu 21.04 nombre en código Hirsute Hippo.
No solo ha publicado la versión oficial de Ubuntu sino también la de todos sus sabores (derivadas oficiales de la distro). Algo a lo que ya nos tiene acostumbrados la distro creada hace más de 15 años por Mark Shuttleworth.
A continuación todos los enlaces de cada distribución y características a través del sitio Distrowatch:
Canonical has releasedUbuntu21.04 which carries the code name "Hirsute Hippo". The distribution's new version ships with GNOME running on a Wayland session as the default desktop and includes the built-in ability to join Active Directory domains. "Ubuntu machines can join an Active Directory (AD) domain at installation for central configuration. AD administrators can now manage Ubuntu workstations, which simplifies compliance with company policies. Ubuntu 21.04 adds the ability to configure system settings from an AD domain controller. Using a Group Policy Client, system administrators can specify security policies on all connected clients, such as password policies and user access control, and Desktop environment settings, such as login screen, background and favourite apps. Ubuntu 21.04 uses Wayland by default, a significant leap forward in security. Firefox, OBS Studio and many applications built with Electron and Flutter take advantage of Wayland automatically, for smoother graphics and better fractional scaling." Additional details can be found in the distribution'srelease announcementand in therelease notes.Download(pkglist):ubuntu-21.04-desktop-amd64.iso(2,688MB,SHA256,signature,torrent),ubuntu-21.04-live-server-amd64.iso(1,119MB,SHA256,signature,torrent).
Ubuntu Budgie is an Ubuntu-based distribution featuring the Budgie desktop. The Ubuntu Budgie team has released version 21.04 of their distribution which will receive support through to January 2022. The new release includes a new look, an updated Budgie desktop, and introduces a build for Raspberry Pi computers. "This is a regular release supported for 9 months. For those looking for a longer term support release we recommend our 20.04 LTS version which is supported for 3 years. Key highlights: Release of our first Raspberry Pi image. Thanks to new team member Sam, we are very proud of the work done and the positive feedback received from all beta testers. A huge 21.04 regular release: brand new budgie-desktop version. Layouts capability of our Window Shuffler. Refinements of our own unique Window Tiling capability - we have also received feedback that this works on Mate, GNOME Shell (Xorg), XFCE. So do give ‘Window Shuffler’ a try on your desktop. Brand new Mojave makeover in Budgie Themes and Layouts Brand new WhiteSur makeover in Budgie Themes and Layouts." Additional information can be found in the project'srelease announcementand in therelease notes.Download:ubuntu-budgie-21.04-desktop-amd64.iso(2,628MB,SHA256,signature,torrent,pkglist).
Martin Wimpress has announced the release ofUbuntu MATE21.04. The new version offers nine months of support and includes several visual changes. "The MATE Desktop team released maintenance updates for the current stable 1.24 release of MATE. We've updated the MATE packaging in Debian to incorporate all these bug fixes and translation updates and synced those packages to Ubuntu so they all feature in this 21.04 release. There are no new features, just fixes. Ayatana Indicators: A highlight of the Ubuntu MATE 20.10 release was the transition to Ayatana Indicators. You can read the 20.10 release notes to learn what Ayatana Indicators are and why this transition will be beneficial in the long term. We've added new versions of Ayatana Indicators including ‘Indicators' settings to the Control Center, which can be used to configure the installed indicators." Further information can be found in the project'srelease announcementand in therelease notes.Download:ubuntu-mate-21.04-desktop-amd64.iso(2,828MB,SHA256,signature,torrent,pkglist).
The Ubuntu Studio team have announced the release of version 21.04 of their multimedia-focused distribution. The project's latest release will be supported through to January 2022 and includes several updated utilities: "This release includes Plasma 5.21.4, the full-featured desktop environment made by KDE. It uses the Materia theme and the icons are Papirus icons. Studio Controls has seen further development as its own independent project and has been updated to version 2.1.4. Ardour 6.6+ (a future 6.7 snapshot). Ardour has been updated to version 6.6+, meaning this is a git snapshot of what will eventually be Ardour 6.7. This had to be done because Ardour 6.5 started to fail to build with a newer library introduced into the Ubuntu archives, and could only be resolved with this snapshot. We hope to have Ardour 6.7 in via official updates once released. Agordejo is new to Ubuntu Studio this release. It was brought-in for those unsatisfied with RaySession's audio session management but found New Session Manager's interface to be too old and clunky." Additional details can be found in the project's release announcement.Download: ubuntustudio-20.10-dvd-amd64.iso (3,650MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
Jonathan Riddell has announced the release of Kubuntu 21.04, a brand-new version of the project's official Ubuntu flavour featuring the KDE Plasma desktop: "The Kubuntu team is happy to announce that Kubuntu 21.04 LTS has been released, featuring the 'beautiful' KDE Plasma 5.21: simple by default, powerful when needed. Code-named 'Hirsute Hippo', Kubuntu 21.04 continues our tradition of giving you friendly computing by integrating the latest and greatest open-source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution. The team has been hard at work through this cycle, introducing new features and fixing bugs. Under the hood, there have been updates to many core packages, including a new 5.11-based Linux kernel, KDE Frameworks 5.80, KDE Plasma 5.21 and KDE Release Service Applications 20.12.3. Krita, Kdevelop, Yakuake and many many more applications are updated." Read the resto of the release announcement for more information. Download: kubuntu-21.04-desktop-amd64.iso (2,805MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
Yousuf Philips has announced the release of Xubuntu 21.04, a new stable build of the distribution that integrates the Ubuntu base system with the latest Xfce desktop: "The Xubuntu team is happy to announce the immediate release of Xubuntu 21.04. Xubuntu 21.04, code-named 'Hirsute Hippo', is a regular release and will be supported for 9 months, until January 2022. Highlights: Xfce 4.16 - this is Xubuntu's first release with the new GTK 3-only Xfce 4.16, which features a year's worth of updates and fixes; new software - Xubuntu now comes pre-installed with HexChat and Synaptic to provide easy IRC communication and advanced package management; minimal install - you can now install a minimal version of the Xubuntu desktop through the ubiquity installer; UX tweaks - a number of User Experience (UX) tweaks were made on the desktop, application menu, panel, keyboard shortcuts and file manager. Known issues - the boot decryption password prompt is sometimes not displayed, press Escape twice to reveal the prompt." See the full release announcement for more information. Download: xubuntu-21.04-desktop-amd64.iso (1,867MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
Dan Simmons has announced the release of Lubuntu 21.04, an updated version of the project's lightweight distribution with LXQt as its preferred desktop: "Thanks to all the hard work from our contributors, Lubuntu 21.04 has been released. With the code name 'Hirsute Hippo', Lubuntu 21.04 is the 20th release of Lubuntu, the sixth release of Lubuntu with LXQt as the default desktop environment. Lubuntu is an official Ubuntu flavor which uses the Lightweight Qt Desktop Environment (LXQt). The project’s goal is to provide a lightweight yet functional Linux distribution based on a rock-solid Ubuntu base. Lubuntu provides a simple but modern and powerful graphical user interface, and comes with a wide variety of applications so you can browse, email, chat, play and be productive. You can find the following major applications and toolkits installed by default in this release: LXQt 0.16.0 – with many improvements over 0.15; LXQt Archiver 0.3.0 which is based on Engrampa, is now included; Qt 5.15.2; Mozilla Firefox 87.0...." Here is the full release announcement. Download: lubuntu-21.04-desktop-amd64.iso (1,915MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
Xubuntu es un sabor oficial de Ubuntu que usa el entorno de escritorio XFCE que se adapta bastante bien para los PC de limitados recursos. Viejos en una palabra.
Datados dicen los más técnicos. Fuera de moda dicen algunos geeks. Lo cierto es que no soportan la marea de megabytes que se descargan diariamente a través de las diversas plataformas, apps, software vario, etc.
Como quien escribe este post.
Lo importante de Canonical es que sigue manteniendo el soporte técnico, incluso a LTS, para una distro que se adapta a una cantidad de PC que, de a poco están desapareciendo del mercado.
Xubuntu 20.10 "Groovy Gorilla" no se olvida de los viejos ordenadores.
Porque tarde o temprano claudicano. O porque está siendo substituídos (todos en general) por los celulares de útima generación o por las tabletas.
Sin olvidarme de los portátiles (notebooks) porque los netbooks han quedado relegados en su gran parte al ámbito escolar, especialmente en aquellos países que los entregan gratis como parte del plan de estudios.
Hecha esta breve introducción paso a contarles las novedades en la última versión de Xubuntu 20.10 nombre en código "Groovy Gorilla" publicada a fines del mes pasado (octubre).
Principales cambios en Xubuntu 20.10 "Groovy Gorilla".
Las principales novedades de esta versión son:
Se implementó un nuevo cuadro de diálogo Alt + Tab con temas, vista previa de la ventana y un modo de lista en el administrador de ventanas.
Se agregó soporte inicial para las decoraciones del lado del cliente, se mejoró el sistema de cambio de tamaño con soporte para las esquinas de la pantalla, se implementó un nuevo sistema de zoom. También se ha agregado un tema Xfwm para pantallas HiDPI.
El panel puede ocultarse automáticamente de forma inteligente, admite complementos GTK + 3 y muchos de los complementos de terceros se han actualizado para aprovechar al máximo las funciones agregadas en la versión 4.10.
El escritorio tiene una nueva ventana de configuración de fondo, soporte para diferentes fondos para varios espacios de trabajo y una mejor administración de múltiples pantallas. También es posible mostrar emblemas y carátulas en iconos.
El administrador de sesiones se ha actualizado para usar logind o upower si está disponible para hibernación y suspensión de soporte. Para la portabilidad y para respetar las elecciones de nuestros usuarios, los métodos de recuperación se han implementado basados en sistemas operativos específicos.
Se ha mejorado la compatibilidad con pantallas múltiples en la ventana de configuración de pantalla y aparece una pantalla de configuración rápida al conectar una pantalla.
La ventana de apariencia ahora muestra la vista previa de iconos y temas.
Xfsettingsd ahora es compatible con libinput.
La gestión de la energía no se ha olvidado: se ha creado un nuevo complemento de panel, se ha añadido soporte para logind o upower para gestionar los eventos de batería, tapa y brillo y se ha implementado un bloqueo de casillero de luz.
La ventana de configuración se ha actualizado y se ha agregado compatibilidad con el borrado de pantalla X11.
Xfburn ahora permite la grabación de discos BluRay.
La interfaz del administrador de procesos se ha revisado y llevado a GTK + 3.
La interfaz de usuario de Parole ha sido totalmente recreada, muchas partes reescritas con la adición de muchas funciones, y también ha sido portada a GTK + 3 y gstreamer1.0.
Mousepad ha sido completamente reescrito y parcialmente portado a GTK + 3.
Se ha agregado soporte a para instantáneas.
Ahora está disponible un nuevo tablero, similar al de GNOME-Shell, llamado xfdashboard. Se ha agregado un nuevo menú alternativo para el panel llamado whiskermenu.
El complemento meteorológico ha sido equipado con una nueva interfaz con muchas opciones de personalización y también proporciona una gran cantidad de información detallada.
El complemento Ojos usa coordenadas 3D para calcular la posición de sus ojos, de modo que a veces ojos aterradores ya veces divertidos te espiarán.
El complemento Netload funciona con la nueva interfaz.
Con la precision habitual a que nos tiene acostumbrados Canonical Ubuntu 20.04 ha sido publicada puntualmente.
La primera en ver la luz fue Lubuntu. Esta vez el equipo de desarrolladores de Lubuntu le ganó la pulseada a Ubuntu y partió primero.
Una partida de Fórmula 1, con todas las actualizaciones de la derivada que más está trabajando últimamente.
A ella siguieron pocos minutos más tarde Ubuntu y Ubuntu Studio.
Publicada Ubuntu 20.04 "Focal Fossa" y sabores oficiales.
El detalle completo, las descargas y las notas de publicación a través de Distrowatch:
Lubuntu 20.04 "Focal Fossa".
The Lubuntu team has announced the availability of Lubuntu 20.04, a long-term support (LTS) release. This release used the LXQt desktop (most previous releases used LXDE as the default desktop) and uses the Calamares system installer instead of the Ubiquity installer used by most other official Ubuntu editions. "This is the fourth Lubuntu release with LXQt as the main desktop environment. The Lubuntu project, in 18.10 and successive releases, will no longer support the LXDE desktop environment or tools in the Ubuntu archive, and will instead focus on the LXQt desktop environment. You can find the following major applications and toolkits installed by default in this release: LXQt 0.14.1. Qt 5.12.8 LTS. Mozilla Firefox 75, which will receive updates from the Ubuntu Security Team throughout the support cycle of the release. The LibreOffice 6.4.2 suite. VLC, for viewing media and listening to music. Featherpad 0.12.1, for notes and code editing. Discover Software Center 5.18.4, for an easy, graphical way to install and update software. The powerful and fast email client Trojita 0.7 to get you to inbox zero in no time." Further details can be found in the project's release announcement. Download: lubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso (1,668MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
Ubuntu 20.04 "Focal Fossa".
Iain Lane has announced the release of Ubuntu 20.04, a new long-term support (LTS) version of the popular distribution. "The Ubuntu kernel has been updated to the 5.4 based Linux kernel, with additional support for Wireguard VPN, AUFS5, and improved support for IBM, Intel, Raspberry Pi and AMD hardware. Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS features the latest version of the GNOME desktop environment, 3.36. Notable changes from 18.04 LTS include performance improvements, a new lock screen design, and support for fractional scaling under X11. 20.04 LTS also features a new look-and-feel: the Yaru theme, available in both light and dark variants. 20.04 LTS also brings support for installing an Ubuntu desktop system on top of ZFS. The latest version brings performance enhancements and optional encryption support. Zsys, Ubuntu’s ZFS system tool, provides automated system and user state saving. Tight integration with GRUB allows a user to revert to any system state on boot and go back in time to pave the way to a bulletproof Ubuntu Desktop." Further details can be found in the distribution's release announcement and in the release notes. Download (pkglist): ubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso (2,589MB, SHA256, signature, torrent), ubuntu-20.04-live-server-amd64.iso (908MB, SHA256, signature, torrent).
Ubuntu Studio 20.04 "Focal Fossa".
The Ubuntu Studio team has announced the release of Ubuntu Studio 20.04, a long-term support release which receives three years of security updates. "The Ubuntu Studio team is pleased to announce the release of Ubuntu Studio 20.04, code-named “Focal Fossa”. This marks Ubuntu Studio’s 27th release. This release is a Long-Term Support release and as such, it is supported for 3 years (until April 2023). Since it’s just out, you may experience some issues, so you might want to wait a bit before upgrading. Please see the release notes for a complete list of changes and known issues." The release announcement displays screenshots and offers upgrade instructions for existing users. It also lists new software available in this release, along with items which were removed from version 20.04, often due to Python 2 reaching the end of its supported life. Download: ubuntustudio-20.04-dvd-amd64.iso (3,424MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
Kubuntu 20.04 "Focal Fossa".
The Kubuntu team has announced the release of Kubuntu 20.04. The new release features the KDE Plasma 5.18 desktop and offers three years of security updates. "The Kubuntu Team is happy to announce that Kubuntu 20.04 LTS has been released, featuring the beautiful KDE Plasma 5.18 LTS: simple by default, powerful when needed. Codenamed Focal Fossa, Kubuntu 20.04 continues our tradition of giving you Friendly Computing by integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution. The team has been hard at work through this cycle, introducing new features and fixing bugs. Under the hood, there have been updates to many core packages, including a new 5.4-based kernel, KDE Frameworks 5.68, Plasma 5.18 LTS and KDE Applications 19.12.3. Kubuntu has seen many updates for other applications, both in our default install, and installable from the Ubuntu archive." Further details can be found in the project's release announcement and in the release notes. Download: kubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso (2,244MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
Ubuntu MATE 20.04 "Focal Fossa".
Martin Wimpress has announced the release of Ubuntu MATE 20.04. The new release, which will receive three years of support, ships with version 1.24 of the MATE desktop and introduces a firmware update tool called fwupd. "Those of you who follow the desktop Linux news will know that upstream MATE Desktop recently released version 1.24. Ubuntu MATE 20.04 is shipping with MATE Desktop 1.24. Thus, all of the improvements in MATE Desktop 1.24 are present in Ubuntu MATE 20.04 LTS. Since the last LTS we worked on the following: added multiple coloured theme variations as one-click installs for those of you who simply don't like Chelsea Cucumber; added experimental ZFS install option; added GameMode from Feral Interactive; fixed several crashers in Brisk Menu and added keyboard navigation; fixed panel layout switching which is now stable and reliable via MATE Tweak Tweak and Ubuntu MATE Welcome; fixed rendering window controls on HiDPI displays; fixed irregular icon sizes in MATE Control Center and made them render nicely on HiDPI displays." Further details on the new version can be found in the release notes. Download: ubuntu-mate-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso (2,217MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
Ubuntu Kulin 20.04 "Focal Fossa".
Ubuntu Kylin 20.04, an official Ubuntu edition customised for the users in China, has been released. This release comes with an updated version of the UKUI desktop environment (a fork of MATE): "The Ubuntu Kylin team is pleased to announce the official release of Ubuntu Kylin's open-source operating system, version 20.04 LTS (code-named 'Focal Fossa'). Ubuntu Kylin 20.04 is the fourth long-term support (LTS) version and it offers 3 years of technical support. The new version of Ubuntu Kylin 20.04 LTS comes with the new UKUI 3.0 desktop environment preview and it supports x86 and arm64 architectures, which further optimizes the 4K HD display effect and application component stability. The new Kirin cloud account function unifies the identity authentication of all platforms and provides users with the cloud synchronization function. It also fixes 539 known issues, such as the inability of the taskbar to preview minimized apps and a file manager memory leak." See the release announcements (in Simplified Chinese or in English) for further information and screenshots. Download: ubuntukylin-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso (2,186MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
Xubuntu 20.04 "Focal Fossa".
Yousuf Philips has announced the release of Xubuntu 20.04, the latest stable version from the project that develops an official Ubuntu spin with Xfce as the preferred desktop: "The Xubuntu team is happy to announce the immediate release of Xubuntu 20.04. Xubuntu 20.04, code-named 'Focal Fossa', is a long-term support (LTS) release and will be supported for three years, until April 2023. The Xubuntu team has been hard at work for the last six months of this development cycle improving both the Xfce desktop environment and the Xubuntu user experience following our 19.10 release, which introduced Xfce 4.14 for the first time. We were thrilled by the response to the Ubuntu testing week which helped us make 20.04 another great and stable release. Highlights: a brand-new dark theme, Greybird-dark, has been added, complementing the default Greybird theme; six community wallpapers are bundled from winners of the Community Wallpaper Contest; with the end of life of Python 2, we no longer ship it by default, while apt-offline and pidgin-libnotify are no longer included." Read the rest of the release announcement for further information and known issues. Download: xubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso (1,586MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
Ubuntu Budgie 20.04 "Focal Fossa".
To conclude the much-awaited Ubuntu LTS release day, here is David Mohammed's announcement of the release of Ubuntu Budgie 20.04: "We are pleased to announce the release of the new version of our distribution, our second long-term support (LTS) release as an official flavor of the Ubuntu family. This LTS build is supported for three years while the regular releases are supported for 9 months. The new version rolls-up various developments, fixes and optimizations that have been released since the 18.04 LTS release in April 2018: stylish menu applet; Budgie-based network manager applet; Window Shuffler - a keyboard-friendly tiling CTRL+ALT+keypad numbers; the currently focussed window can be tiled to each corner, side to side or maximized and unmaximized all from the keyboard; desktop layouts - choose your default desktop layout with one click; 4K resolution Budgie desktop and Budgie applet support; GNOME Firmware and Drawing are the new default applications; Ubuntu Budgie team wallpapers for 20.04...." See the full release announcement for a complete list of new features. Download: ubuntu-budgie-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso (2,084MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
Con la precisión a la que nos tiene acostumbrados Canonical ha publicado la versión oficial de Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo y derivadas.
Ubuntu 19.04 viene con la última versión de escritorio GNOME 3.32, cuyo rendimiento se ha mejorado en las últimas versiones y tiene una gran cantidad de fallos corregidos y Linux 5.0 la flamante nueva versión del kernel.
A través del portal de Distrowatch todas las características de la nueva Ubuntu y las instrucciones pra las descargas.
Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo y derivadas ya están disponibles para las descargas.
Todas las versiones de Ubuntu 19.04 "Disco Dingo".
A continuación todas las versiones de Ubuntu 19.04 "Disco Dingo" y sus respectivas derivadas.
Ubuntu 19.04 “Disco Dingo”.
Ubuntu 19.04 "Disco Dingo".
Martin Wimpress has announced the launch of Ubuntu MATE 19.04 which ships with version 1.20 of the MATE desktop and updated video drivers. "Ubuntu MATE 19.04 is shipping with MATE Desktop 1.20. Albeit, the latest maintenance release of MATE Desktop 1.20 with some of the bug fixes and new features from MATE Desktop 1.22 included. In fact, the version of MATE Desktop being shipped in 19.04 is derived from the same MATE packages that will feature in the upcoming Debian 10 (Buster) release. You may be wondering why we're not shipping MATE Desktop 1.22? The answer: stability. MATE Desktop 1.22 introduces some underlying API changes in core components and while all first party MATE Desktop applications are compatible with the changes and completely stable, some third party applications are not. Some third party applications are big crashers now and we've not been able to fix them in time. So, we are playing it safe and sticking with MATE Desktop 1.20 and working with upstreams so we can land MATE Desktop 1.22 early in the Ubuntu MATE 19.10 development cycle." Further information can be found in the project's release announcement and in the Ubuntu release notes. Download: ubuntu-mate-19.04-desktop-amd64.iso (1,988MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist). Also available from OSDisc.
Adam Conrad has announced the release of Ubuntu 19.04, codename "Disco Dingo". The new release ships with GNOME 3.32, version 5.0 of the Linux kernel, and offers fractional scaling through both X.Org and Wayland desktop sessions. "Codenamed "Disco Dingo", 19.04 continues Ubuntu's proud tradition of integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution. The team has been hard at work through this cycle, introducing new features and fixing bugs. The Ubuntu kernel has been updated to the 5.0 based Linux kernel, our default toolchain has moved to gcc 8.3 with glibc 2.29, and we've also updated to openssl 1.1.1b and gnutls 3.6.5 with TLS1.3 support. Ubuntu Desktop 19.04 introduces GNOME 3.32 with increased performance, smoother startup animations, quicker icon load times and reduced CPU+GPU load. Fractional scaling for HiDPI screens is now available in Xorg and Wayland." Further details can be found in the distribution's release announcement and in the release notes. Download (pkglist): ubuntu-19.04-desktop-amd64.iso (2,000MB, SHA256, signature, torrent), ubuntu-19.04-live-server-amd64.iso (748MB, SHA256, signature, torrent).
Ubuntu Studio 19.04 “Disco Dingo”.
Ubuntu Studio 19.04 "Disco Dingo".
The Ubuntu Studio team has published a new release, Ubuntu Studio 19.04. The new release is supported for nine months and ships with a new audio plugin host called Carla. "Officially released on April 15, 2019, Carla 2.0.0 has been added to Ubuntu Studio to replace the outdated jack-rack and add more functionality. Carla is an audio plugin host that can handle many different types of plugins, from Ladspa to DSSI to LV2 to VST. In fact, if you install the WINE bridge (not installed by default), Carla can host Windows-compiled VST plugins. Carla can also act as a plugin itself, allowing your DAW to use any audio plugin. Carla also includes a patchbay, which is functionally similar to that of Patchage. Ubuntu Studio Controls has been upgraded to 1.7 with many bugfixes, and is now the preferred method for starting Jack. As such, we ask that you discontinue use of QJackCtl for starting Jack. QJackCtl remains a good way to monitor Jack’s performance and logs." Further details on the project's latest version can be found in the distribution's release announcement. Download: ubuntustudio-19.04-dvd-amd64.iso (3,132MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist). Also available from OSDisc.
Ubuntu Budgie 19.04 “Disco Dingo”.
Ubuntu Budgie 19.04 "Disco Dingo".
The Ubuntu Budgie team has announced the release of Ubuntu Budgie 19.04 which received nine months of support. The new version includes a number of bug fixes and swaps out the Nautilus file manager for Nemo. "19.04 is supported for 9 months; our 18.04 LTS is supported for 3 years. Based on 18.04 and 18.10 experiences, feedback and suggestions that we have received from our users, the new release comes with a lot of new features, fixes and optimizations. This release is a big step towards our 20.04 LTS. Here is what you can expect with the new release: showcasing the latest Budgie desktop developments Budgie desktop v10.5 is now officially available; showcasing the latest budgie-applets available; replacing Nautilus for Nemo - retains desktop-icons capability with all the features of Nemo such as dual pane etc + integrated catfish search - lookout for our nemo-extensions in budgie-welcome recommendations; stylish reworking of our desktop together shipping a new theme QogirBudgie which can be chosen together with Pocillo and Arc; integrating all of this together with the major GNOME developments of GTK+3.24 and Mutter 3.32." Further information can be found in the project's release announcement and in the release notes. Download: ubuntu-budgie-19.04-desktop-amd64.iso (1,703MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist). Also available from OSDisc.
Kubuntu 19.04 “Disco Dingo”.
Kubuntu 19.04 "Disco Dingo".
The Kubuntu team has published Kubuntu 19.04, a new release which ships with KDE Plasma 5.15, Qt 5.12 and Linux 5.0. The new version includes nine months of security updates. The release announcement states: "Kubuntu 19.04 has been released, featuring the beautiful Plasma 5.15 desktop from the KDE community. Code-named Disco Dingo, Kubuntu 19.04 continues our proud tradition of integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution. The team has been hard at work through this cycle, introducing new features and fixing bugs. Under the hood, there have been updates to many core packages, including a new 5.00-based kernel, Qt 5.12, KDE Frameworks 5.56, Plasma 5.15.4, and KDE Applications 18.12.3. Kubuntu has seen some exciting improvements, with newer versions of Qt, updates to major packages like Krita, KDE Connect, Kstars, Latte-dock, Firefox and LibreOffice, and stability improvements to KDE Plasma. For a list of other application updates, upgrading notes and known bugs be sure to read our release notes." Download: kubuntu-19.04-desktop-amd64.iso (1,827MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist). Also available from OSDisc.
Lubuntu 19.04 “Disco Dingo”.
Lubuntu 19.04 "Disco Dingo".
The Lubuntu team has published a new version of their distribution. Lubuntu 19.04 provides nine months of support and ships with version 0.14.1 of the LXQt desktop environment. Unlike most other community flavours of Ubuntu which use the Ubiquity installer, Lubuntu uses the Calamares system installer. "This is the second Lubuntu release with LXQt as the main desktop environment. The Lubuntu project, in 18.10 and successive releases, will no longer support the LXDE desktop environment or tools in the Ubuntu archive, and will instead focus on the LXQt desktop environment. You can find the following major applications and toolkits installed by default in this release: LXQt 0.14.1; Qt 5.12.2; Mozilla Firefox 66, which will receive updates from the Ubuntu Security Team throughout the support cycle of the release; the LibreOffice 6.2.2 suite, with the Qt 5 frontend; VLC 3.0.6, for viewing media and listening to music; Featherpad 0.9.3, for notes and code editing; Discover Software Center 5.15.4, for an easy, graphical way to install and update software; the powerful and fast email client Trojitá 0.7 to get you to inbox zero in no time." Further details can be found in the project's release announcement. Download: lubuntu-19.04-desktop-amd64.iso (1,580MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist). Also available from OSDisc.
The Xubuntu developers have announced the release of Xubuntu 19.04. The new version ships with version 5.0 of the Linux kernel and provides nine months of support. This release ships with some components from Xfce's development branch to improve the desktop experience. The project's release announcementstates: "Highlights: Xubuntu 19.04 features a wide range of bug fixes for issues identified in previous releases, many of which have already been backported to the stable releases. AptURL, The GIMP, and LibreOffice Impress have been included to provide a more complete and user-friendly desktop experience. New keyboard shortcuts make it easier and faster to get work done. Shift + Print Screen will capture a screenshot for a specified region. Press F4 in Thunar to open a terminal window in the current path, or press Ctrl + Shift + F to search for files. Many Xfce 4.13 components have been added or updated, providing an updated snapshot of Xfce 4.14 development." Further details can be found in the distribution's release notes. Download: xubuntu-19.04-desktop-amd64.iso(1,517MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist). Also available from OSDisc
Ubuntu Kylin 19.04 “Disco Dingo”.
Ubuntu Kylin 19.04 "Disco Dingo".
The team behind Ubuntu Kylin has published a new version of their distribution which introduces a new visual style. The project's new release, Ubuntu Kylin 19.04, introduces transparency effects to the application menu, adds a preview function to the file manager and provides nine months of support. "In April 19th, 2019, We are glad to announce the official release of open source operating system Ubuntu Kylin 19.04 (Disco Dingo). In this version, OS stability is our first goal to obtain. In order to provide a better experience for users, a series of improvements are made on system kernel, basic service, desktop environment and specialized apps. In addition, other open source distribution such as Ubuntu 19.04、Lubuntu 19.04 and Ubuntu Mate 19.04 are released in the same time. We are bringing a whole new visual experience in this distribution, from system choice, boot up animation, log in program to system desktop, a unified style is presented. Amazing transparency effect is utilized on start menu, taskbar and notification area, give your desktop a sense of technology. Practical functions are provided to simplify your daily operations." Further details can be found in the release announcement (Chinese, English). Download: ubuntukylin-19.04-desktop-amd64.iso (2,195MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
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